За 2009 - 2020
За 1990 - 2008

Версия для печати


1. Emerson, «Circles».
2. Henry Adams, «The Rule of Phase Applied to History» (1909), в:
The Tendency of History   (New York, 1919), 167.
3. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams   (Boston, 1918),
ch. Ill, XXXIY.
4. William James, «Is Life Worth Living?», в: The Will to Believe
and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy  (New York, 1897), 54
5. Ibid., 53.
6. William James, Pragmatism (1907), Lecture Two.
7. W.C. Ford, ed., A Cycle of Adams Letters, 1861-1865   (Boston,
1920), I, 135.
Часть первая
Глава  I. Теория Америки:
эксперимент или предначертание свыше?

Данное эссе является адаптированным текстом
«America: Experiment or Destiny?», в: American Historical Review,
June 1977.
1. Vine Deloria, Jr., «The North Americans», перепечатано из:
Crisis, в: Congressional Record, 94th Cong., 2d Sess. (1976),
E 2494-95 (daily ed.).
2. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Oldtown Folks (Boston, 1869), 368.
3. «Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God».
4. «New England's True Interest», в: The Puritans, ed. Perry Miller
and Thomas H.Johnson (1938; New York, Torchbook reprint,
1963), I, 244.
5. Miller and Johnson, Puritans, II, 82-83.
6. Leopold von Ranke, «On Progress in History», в: von Ranke, The
Theory and Practice of History, ed. G.G.Iggers and Konrad von
Moltke (Indianapolis, 1973), 53.
7. Jaroslav Pehkan, «The Lessons of History», в: The Nature of a
Humane Society, ed. H.O.Hess (Philadelphia, 1977), 35.
8. Number 34.
9. Статья Дана «The Winter of Criticism» была опубликована в:
Monthly Anthology and Boston Review, October 1805, в: The
Federalist Literary Mind, ed. Lewis P. Simpson (Baton Rouge,
1962), 209. 230.
10. Lucien Pnce, ed., Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead (Boston,
1954), 161, 203.
11. B: W.O.Clough. ed.. Intellectual Origins of American National
Thought (1955; New York, Corinth reprint, 1961), 71.
12.  «The Age of Tacitus», в: Monthly Anthology, July 1807, в:
Simpson, ed., Federalist Literary Mind, 50.
13. Полибия «усердно изучали в Америке, особенно в период Ре-
волюции». Meyer Reinhold, ed., The Classick Pages: Classical
Reading of Eighteenth-Century Americans (University Park, Pa.,
1975), 121. См. также: Richard M.Gummere, The American
Colonial Mind and the Classical Tradition (Cambridge, Mass.,
1963), passim.
14  J.G.A. Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political
Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition (Princeton, 1975).
To же самое, но менее детально излагается в: Gordon S.Wood,
The Creation of the American Republic, 1776-1787. (Chapel
Hill, 1969), и в: Gerald Stourzh, Alexander Hamilton and the
Idea of Republican Government (Stanford, 1970). Рейнхолд пи-
шет, что Полибия в Америке знали отчасти из непосредствен-
ного изучения Книги VI его «Истории», а отчасти — через
«Рассуждения» Макиавелли и «Законы» Монтескье (Classick
Pages, 121), более подробно см.: John P.Diggms, The Lost Soul
of American Polities' Virtue, Silf-Interest, and the Foundations of
Liberalism (New York, 1984).
15   Henry Maine, Popular Government (1885, Indianapolis, 1976),
16.    См.: Joseph Elhs, «Habits of Mind and an American
Enlightenment», American Quarterly, Summer 1976, особ. 161.
17. Stourzh, Alexander Hamilton, 71, 98.
18 Adams to Rush, 21 September 1808, в: The Selected Writings of
John and John Quincy Adams, ed. Adnenne Koch and William
Peden (New York, 1964), 149-150.
19. Thomas Jefferson, «Notes on Virginia», в. Writings, ed. Merrill
D. Peterson (Library of America, 1984), 289.
20  Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, IX.
21  Wirt to Benjamin Edwards, 22 December 1809, в Memoirs of the
Life of William Wirt, ed. J.P Kennedy (New York, 1849), I, 246-
22   Second Treatise on Civil Government, ch.II, par. 49.
23. Antonelh Gerbi, The Dispute of the New World: The History of a
Polemic, 1750-1900 (Pittsburgh, 1973), 160-175.
24.   Henry Steele Commager, Jefferson, Nationalism and the
Enlightenment (New York, 1975), 43.
25. Jefferson to Chastellux, 7 June 1785, в: Jefferson, Wntmgs, 800.
26. Henry Steele Commager and Elmo Giodanetti, Was America a
Mistake? The Eighteenth-Century Controversy (New York, 1967),
126. 129, 138, 16.
27. Gerbi, Dispute, 240-242.
28. The llth Federalist. В постраничном примечании Гамильтон
ссылается на: de Pauw, Recherches Philosophiques sur les
29. John Adams, Defence, Preface.
30. The 6th Federalist.
31. James Bryce, The American Commonwealth (New York, 1888),
I, 299.
32. Woodrow Wilson, Constitutional Government in the United States
(New York, 1908), 44-45.
33. Henry Adams, «The Session 1869-1870", в: The Great Secession
Winter of 1860-61 and Other Essays, ed. G.E.Hochfield (New
York, 1963), 193.
34. Diggins, Lost Soul of American Politics, 58.
35 J.D.Richardson, сотр., Messages and Papers of the Presidents.
(Washington, 1909), I, 579; II, 262; III, 295-296, 303.
36. Ibid., Ill, 483-484; IV, 532-533, 632; V, 9
37    Abraham   Lincoln,   Collected   Works,   ed    R P.Easier   (New
Brunswick, N.J., 1953), I, 113-115; VII, 17.
38.   John   Dillenberger,   ed ,  John   Calvin:   Selections  from   His
Writings (New York, 1971), 350, 564.
39 Jonathan Edwards, A History of the Work of Redemption, Section
40   Sacvan Bercovitch, The Puritan Origins of the American Self
(New Haven, 1975), 41-42, 54-55.
41. Miller and Johnson, Puritans, 1, 145, 152, 199.
42. The Scarlet Letter, ch.XXIII.
43. Jonathan Edwards, Thoughts Concerning the Present Revival of
Religion in New England, Part 2, section II.
44. Данное сопоставление мнений в значительной мере опирает-
ся на блестящий анализ, сделанный в книге: Bercovitch,
Puritan Origins, 89-90, 100-104.
45. Charles Summer, Prophetic Voices Concerning America (Boston,
1874), 54-55. Высказывание Ч.Ф.Адамса цитируется по.
Wood, Creation of the American Republic, 571.
46. E.L.Tuveson, Redeemer Nation: The Idea of America's Millenial
Role (Chicago, 1969).
47. A.K.Wemberg, Manifest Destiny (1935; Quadrangle reprint,
1963). 40.
48. Bercovitch, Puritan Origins, 87-88.
49. Gilbert Chmard, Thomas Jefferson: The Apostle of Americanism
(1929; Ann Arbor reprint, 1957), 428.
50. Commager, Enlightenment, 188.
51. White-Jacket, ch. 36.
52. H.Richard Niebuhr, The Kingdom of God in America (1935;
Torchbook reprint, 1959), 157.
53. Josiah Strong, The New Era (New York. 1893), 71, 354.
54.   См. в: Chicago Standard, 6 August 1898, в: J.W.Pratt,
Expansionists of 1898 (1935; Quadrangle reprint, 1964), 293.
55. См. в: Norman A.Graebner, ed., Ideas and Diplomacy (New York,
1964), 372-373.
56. Фразы из речей в Омахе, Сиу-Фоллз, Сан-Франциско, Сан-
Диего, Щайене цит. по: Wilson, Messages and Papers, ed. Albert
Shaw (New York, 1924), 2: 815, 822, 969, 1025, 1086.
57. Lyndon В Johnson, Public Papers (Washington, 1963), I (1965),
58. Thanksgiving Day Proclamation, 1982. Это старое и часто по-
вторяющееся мнение Рейгана. См., например: New York
Times, 1 April 1976.
59. White-Jacket, ch. 36.
60. Цитируется по: R.W.B.Lewis, The American Adam (Chicago,
1955), 159.
61. Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address; Lincoln to Weed, 15 March
1865, в: Works, YIII, 333.
62.   Democratic Vistas, в: Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
(Library of America), 930.
63. «The Fortune of the Republic».
64.   Henry Adams, History of the United States During the
Administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (New
York, 1889-1891), IY, 289.
65. Henry Adams, Democracy (1880), ch  4.
66. «The Rule of Phase Applied to History», в: Henry Adams, The
Tendency of History (New York, 1919), 172.
67. Henry to Brooks Adams, 23 November 1900 and 7 May 1901,
в: Henry Adams and His Friends: A Collection of His
Unpublished Letters, ed. H.D.Cater (Boston, 1947), 502, 508.
68.    Henry Adams to H.O.Taylor, 22 November 1909; to
C.M.Gaskell, 1 June 1914; to Ferns Greenslet, after 22 December
1915, в: The Letters of Henry Adams, 1892-1918, ed. W.C.Ford
(Boston, 1938), 526, 625, 635; а также в: The Education of
Henry Adams (Boston, 1918), ch. XXXIY.
69. F.O.Matthiessen, The James Family (New York, 1961), 624-627,
70. Remhold Niebuhr, Faith and History (New York, 1949), 31.
7 1. Remhold Niebuhr, The Irony of American History (New York,
1952), 4, 42, 69-70, 85, 173.
72. Franclm D.Roosevelt, Public Papers... 1928-1932 (New York,
1938), 646.
73. John F.Kennedy, Public Papers... 1961 (Washington, 1962), 19.
74. Speech at Springfield, 111., 26 June 1857, в: Works, II, 406.
75. Gunnar Myrdal, An American Dilemma (New York, 1944), 4.
76. Charles Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit, ch. 34.
77. F.Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, ch. 9.

Глава 2. Циклы политической жизни Америки
Данное эссе включает в себя короткие отрывки из:
«The Shape of National Politics to Come» (New York, 1959) (част-
ное издание); «Is Liberalism Dead?» New York Times Magazine, 30
March 1980; «The New Conservatism: Will It Last?» Family Weekly,
10 January 1982; «One Last Chance for the Democrats» Playboy,
November 1982.
1. Emerson. «The Conservative».
2. Henry Adams, History of the Unined States of America During
the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
(New York. 1889-1891), VI, 123.
3. Arthur M.Schlesmger, Paths to the Present (New York, 1949), 93.
4. Ibid., 96.
5. Ibid., 98.
6. Ibid., 97.
7   Emerson, «The Conservative».
8.   A.O.Hirschman, Shifting Involvements. Private Interest and
Public Action (Prmceton, 1982), 3, 8.
9   Herbert McClosky and John   aller, The American Ethos: Public
Attitudes Toward Capitalism and Democracy (Cambridge, Mass.,
1984), особ. 162, 291-292.
10 По данному вопросу мне представляется убедительной книга:
John P Diggins, The Lost Soul of American Politics: Virtue, Self-
interest, and the Foundations of Liberalism (New York, 1984).
11. Walter B.Cannon, The Way of an Investigator (New York, 1945),
12  Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (Modern Library ed.), 324-
13. Hirschman, Shifting Involements, 11.
14. Emerson, «Fate».
15. The Education of Henry Adams (Boston, 1918), ch.XXI.
16. Slexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, II, First Book,
17. J.S.Mill. A System of Logic, Book VI, ch.X, § 3.
18. Ortega у Gasset, «The Concept of the Generation», The Modern
Theme (New York, 1961), 14-15.
19   Ibid., 15; Karl Mannheim, «The Problem of Generations», в:
Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge (London, 1952), 290.
20. Дискуссию относительно периодизации Ортеги см.: Julian
Marias, Generations: A Histoncal Method (University, Ala.,
1967), ch.3; см. также: Mannheim, Essays, 277; A.B.Spitzer,
«The Historical Problem of Generations», American Historical
Review, December 1973.
21. R.G.CoIlingwood, Essays in the Philosophy of History (Austin,
1965), 75, 89.
22. Arthur M.Schlesmger, Jr., The Crisis of the Old Order (Boston,
1957), 366.
23.   H.L.Mencken, «In Praise of Gamaliel», Baltimore Sun, 18
October 1920.
24. Samuel Hopkins Adams, Incredible Era: The Life and Times of
Warren Gamaliel Hardmg (Boston, 1939), 117.
25. Walter Lippmann, «Today and Tomorrow», New York Herald
Tribune, 5 January 1954.
26. Samuel Lubell, The Future of American Politics (New York,
1952), 200, 203.
27.   Kevin Phillips, «Hubris on the Right», New York Times
Magazine, 12 May 1985.
28.   См.: D.M.Gordon, Richard Edwards and Michael Reich,
Segmented Work, Divided Workers: The Historical
Transformation of Labor m the United States (Cambridge,
England, 1982). В 1984 г. Гордон удлинил цикл до «более или
менее пятидесяти лет»; «The Pulse of Capitalism», Atlantic
Monthly, September 1984.
29. Newt Gingnch, open letter to David Stockman, Washington Post
Weekly, 26 November 1984.
30. Schlesmger, Crisis of the Old Order, 113-114.
31. «The Politics of Nostalgia», Reporter, 16 June 1955, перепеча-
тано в: Arthur M.Schlesmger, Jr., The Politics of Hope (Boston,
1962), 72 ff.
32. Tocqueville, Democracy m America, II, Second Book, ch.II, IV
33. Ibid., Third Book, ch.XVII; Second book, ch.X.
34. William J.Broad, «Space Arms Scientists m U.S. Selling Rights
to Discoveries», New York Times, 4 Novtmber 1985.
35. Theodore Roosevelt to Sir Edward Grey, 15 November 1913, в:
Roosevelt, Works. Memorial ed., XXIV, 409.
36. Интересную дисскуссию о современной худдожественной ли-
тературе с точки зрения противоположности частного интере-
са и общественной активности см в: Robert Dunn, «Fiction
That Shrinks from Life», New York Times Book Review, 30 June
37   Democracy m America, II, Third Book. ch.XXI.
38   Ibid., Second Book, ch.XIV, IV
39  Ibid., ch.IV.
40. Ibid., I, ch.XIV.
41. Ibid.. II, Second Book, ch.XIV.
42.  Frank L.Klmgberg, «The Historical Alternation of Moods m
American Foreign Policy», World Politics, January 1952; более
детально разработано в: «Cyclical Trends in American Foreign
Policy Moods and Their Policy Implications», в: Challenges to
America: U.S. Foreign Policy in the 1980s, ed. С W.Kegley, Jr.,
and P.J.McGowan (vol.4, Sage International Yearbook of Foreign
Policy Studies, 1979); Cyclical Trends m American Foreign
Policy Moods: The Unfolding of America's World Role (Lanham,
Md., 1983).
43. См.: «The Election and After», отдельные моменты дискуссии
между Эдмундом Дж.Брауном-мл., Уолтером Дином Бернхэмом, Кевином Филлипсом и Артуром М.Шлесингером-мл.,
New York Review of Books, 16 August 1984; Walter Dean
Bumham, «American Politics in the 1980s», Dissent, Spring
1980, 159.
44. McClosky and   aller, American Ethos, 292-302.
45. Emerson, «Politics», «The Conservative».
46. Emerson, «The Conservative».
Часть вторая
Глава 3. Внешняя политика и американский характер
Это адаптированный вариант лекции о Сириле Фостере в Окс-
фордском университете в 1983 г., опубликованной в: Foreign
Affairs, Fall 1983.
1. Henry James, Letters, ed. Percy Lubbock (New York, 1920), I, 13.
2. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, II, First Book, ch.I.
3. Ibid., ch.XVIII.
4. Washington to Henry Lawrens, 14 November 1778, в: Writings,
ed. J.C.Fitzpatrick (Washington, 1936), XIII, 256.
5. John Adams to James Warren, 20 March 1783, в: James
H.Hutson, «Intellectual Foundations of Early American
Diplomacy», Diplomatic History, Winter 1977, 13.
6. Norman A. Graebner, ed., Ideas and Diplomacy (New York,
1964), 11-12.
7. Ibid., 93, 122-123.
8. Fourth of July Address, 1821.
9. Herbert Croly, The Promise of American Life (New York, 1909),
10. Woodrow Wilson, Messages and Papers, ed. Albert Shaw (New
York, 1924), II, 777.
11. Speech at Orlando, Fla., 8 March 1983.
12. Press conference, 29 January 1981.
13. Wall Street Journal, 13 June 1980.
14. Henry Kissinger, White House Years (Boston, 1979), 522.
15. New York Times, 30 December 1984.
16. Richard H.Rovere and Arthur M.Schlesinger, Jr., The General
and the President (New York, 1951), 234.
17. Address to joint session of Congress, 27 April 1983.
18. Ibid.
19. Lord Salisbury to Lord Lytton, 15 June 1877.
20.   Norman  Cousins,  The  Improbable Triumvirate   (New York,
1972), 114.
21. Address to the UN General Assembly, 25 September 1961.
22. Winston S.Churchill, The Gathering Storm (Boston. 1948), 320.
23. Robert S.McNamara and Hans A.Bethe, «Reducing the Risk of
Nuclear War», Atlantic Monthly, July 1985, 50.

Глава  4. Национальные интересы
и моральные абсолюты

Идея данного эссе возникла из лекции о Кристиане А.Хертере в
Университете Джона Гопкинса, перепечатанной под названием
(выбранным не мной) «The Necessary Amorahty of Foreign Affairs»,
в: Harper's, August 1971, и перепечатанной снова в: Ernest
W.Lefever, ed., Ethics and World Politics: Four Perspectives
(Baltimore, 1972). Примерно десять лет спустя я еще раз обратился
к этому вопросу в лекции перед Советом по религии и международ-
ным делам, которая в сокращенном виде появилась под названием'
«In the National Interest», Worldiew, December 1984.
1. Robert F.Kennedy, Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile
Crisis (New York, 1971 ed.), 106.
2. New York Times, 8 October 1984.
3. George Kennan, «Foreign Policy and Christian Conscience»,
Atlantic Monthly, May 1959. См. также обсуждение Кеннаном
данного вопроса в более позднее время в: «Morality and
Foreign Policy», Foreign Affairs, Winter 1985/86
4. Address to Congress, 3 April 1917.
5. John Foster Dulles, A Righteous Faith for a Just and Durable
Peace (New York, Federal Council of Churches, 1942), 10
6. Alexander Hamilton, Pacificus, No  4, 10 July 1793.
7. Reinhold Niebuhr, Moral Man and Immoral Society (New York,
1932), pp.XI, 258, 267.
8   Wmston Churchill, The Gathering Storm (Boston,  1948), 320
Нагорная Проповедь была «последним словом» в том смысле,
который Черчилль, возможно, не имел в виду, ибо она давала
определение моральности в контексте не повседневной жиз-
ни, но неотвратимо наступающего Судного Дня
9  Max Weber, «Politics as a Vocation», в- From Max Weber: Essays
in Sosiology, ed. H.H.Gerth and С Wright Mills (New York,
1958), 120.
10. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (Boston, 1918),
11. New York Times, 7 July 1965.
12.  Herbert Butterfield,  History and  Human  Relations  (London,
1951), 109-110.
13. Цитируется в: Gordon A Craig and Alexander L George, Force
and Statecraft (New York, 1983), 264
14    [Finley  Peter  Dunne],   Mr.   Dooley's  Philosophy   (New  York,
1900), 258.
15. Washington to John Bannister, 21 April 1778, в1 Е S Morgan,
The Genius of George Washington (New York, 1980), 50-54.
16   Speech of 27 July 1965
17. Hamilton, Pacificus, No. 4.
18. G.M.Young, Victorian England: Portrait of an Age (Oxford, 1953
ed.), 103.
19. Adams, Education, ch.X.
20. Ibid., ch.XVIH.
21. Ibid., ch.XXIV.
22. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, I, ch.XIII.
23. A.J.P.Taylor, burope: Grandeur and Decline (London, Penguin,
1967), 357.
24. Theodore Roosevelt, sixth annual message, 3 December 1906.
25. John C.Bennet, «Moral Tensions in International Affairs», в:
Moral Dimensions in American Foreign Policy, ed.
K.W.Thompson (New Brunswick, N.J., 1984), 184.
26. Joel Porte, ed., Emerson in His Journals (Cambridge, Mass.,
1982), 358.
27. William Graham Sumner, The Conquest of the United States by
Spain and Other Essays, ed. Murray Polner (Chicago, n.d.), 173
28    Mark Twain, «To the Person Sitting in Darkness», North
American Review, February 1901.
29   Цитируется по: Colm Bingham, ed., Men and Affairs (Sydney,
1967), 69.
30. Daniel Webster, «The Revolution in Greece», в: House of Repre-
sentatives, 19 January 1824.
31.   По данному вопросу см.: R.W.Johnson, «Making Things
Happen», London Review of Books, 6-19 September 1984,
H.S.Ferns, «This Spy Business», Encounter, May 1985.
32. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, «The Role of Law in World Affairs»,
Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
November 1983.
33.  Arthur M.Schlesinger, Jr, Robert Kennedy and His Times
(Boston, 1978), 508-509.
34. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Loyalties (New York, 1984), 94.
35   Ronald Reagan, press conference, 19 October 1983; State of the
Union address, 6 February 1985.

36. Walter Lippmann, «Today and Tomorrow», New York Herald
Tribune, 9 May 1961.

Глава  5. Права человека и американская традиция
Опубликованное в: Foreign Affairs, «America and the World
1978", данное эссе было переделано и приведено в соответствие с
положением на сегодняшний день.
1. См.: Edward Peters, Torture (New York, 1985).
2   В эссе  «Idler»,  цитируемом по:  Irvin  Ehrenpreis,   «Human
Wishes», London Review of Books, 20 December 1984.
3. John Qumcy Adams, Fourth of July address, 1821.
4. Albert Gallatm, Peace with Mexico (New York, 1847), sect.VII.
5. Kossuth's speech at Concord, 11 May 1852, Old South Leaflets,
6. Congressional Globe. 31st Cong., 2d Sess., 7 January 1850, 113-
116. За эти в другие ссылки на дебаты в сенате я обязан Ри-
чарду Бейкеру и историческому отделу сената.
7. Ulysses S. Grant, first annual message, 6 Decrmber 1869.
8. Цитируемая фраза взята из резолюции, направленной комис-
сии сената по иностранным делам в 1891 г. См.: Congressional
Record, 51st Cong., 2d Sess., 14 February 1891, 141.
9. John Basset Moore, A Digest of International Law (Washington,
1906), VI, 360-361.
10. John F.Kennedy, Public Papers... 1961 (Washington, 1962), 1;
Public Papers... 1963 (Washington, 1964), 232, 697.
11. Section  116  (a)  of the Foreign Assistance Act of  1961,  as
amended in 1974.
12. См. весьма информативную статью: Patrick Breslin, «Human
Rights:  Rhetoric or Action?», Washington  Post,   17   February
13.  E.P.Spiro,  «A Paradigm Shift in American Foreign  Policy»,
Worldview, January-February 1977.
14. Jimmy Carter, Why Not the Best? (New York. 1976), 140-141.
15. Jimmy Carter, Keeping Faith (New York, 1982), 144.
16. David Owen, Human Rights (New York, 1978), 2.
17. Address at the University of Georgia Law School, 20 April 1977.
18. «Trying to Right the Balance», Time, 9 October 1978.
19. В его: Harvard Commencement speech; Harvard Gazette, 8 June
20. Interview with Arbatov by Jonathan Power, Observer (London),
12 Novemder 1978.
21. New York Times, 26 June 1977.
22.   Interview   with   Valery   Giscard   d'Estamg   by   Arnaud   de
Borchgrave, Newsweek, 25 July 1977.
23. Fereydoun Hoveyda, «Not All Clocks for Human Rights Are the
Same», New York Times, 18 May 1977.
24. George F.Kennan, The Cloud of Danger: Current Realities of
American Foreign Policy (Boston, 1977), 43.
25. Elizabeth Drew, «Human Rights», New Yorker, 18 July 1977.
26.   Nathaniel   Hawthorne,   Our   Old   Home   (1863),   в:   Works
(Riverside ed.), VII, 49.
27. Ferdinand Mount, «Human Rights», Encounter, December 1980.
28. Marion Dbnhoff, «Weltpohtik mil Fanfarenstossen», Die   eit, 4
March 1977.
29. Patricia Derian, «A Commitment Sustained», Worldview, July-
August 1978.
30.   Raul   S.Manglapus,    «Human   Rights   Are   Not   a   Western
Discovery», Worldview, October 1978.
31. Fox Butterfield, «Peking's Poster Warriors Are Not Just Paper
Tigers», New York Times, 26 Novemder 1978.
32. «Peking Wall Poster Plea to Carter», New York Post, 13 December
33. John F.Burns, «Writer's Congress in China Demands Artistic
Freedom», New York Times, 1 January 1985.
34. Carter, Keeping Faith, 578.
35. В ходе его вторых дебатов с Мондейлом, 21 октября 1984 г.
36. Reagan, message to Congress, 14 March 1986.
37. A.D.Sakharov, «The Human Rights Movement m the USSR and
Eastern Europe», Trialogue, Fall 1978.
38. Mount, «Human Rights».
39. Mihajlo Mihajlov, «Notes of a Survivor», New Leader, 31 July
40. «Dissent in Exile — Andrei Amalrik Talks to Michael Charlton»,
Listener. 14 October 1976.
41. Интервью в: Le Monde, перепечатанное в: New York Review of
Books, 4 October 1973.
42. Письмо в: The Times (London), 13 September 1973.
43.   Последние отчеты см.: Hurst Hannum, ed., Guide to
International Human Rights Practice (Philadelphia, 1984); David
P.Forsythe, «The United Nations and Human Rights, 1945-
1985", Political Science Quarterly, Summer 1985.

Глава 6. ВызовСолженицына
Данное эссе было опубликовано под названием «The
Solzhenitsyn We Refuse to See» в: Washington Post, 25 June 1978, и
было перепечатано в: Ronald Berman, ed., Solzhenitsyn at Harvard
(Washington, 1979).
Глава 7. Америка и империя
В данной работе я опирался на свое эссе «The Missionary
Enterprise and Theories of Imperialism» в: The Missionary Enterprise
in China and America, ed. John K.Fairbank (Cambridge, Mass.,
1974); также на свою рецензию на: William Appleman Williams,
The Roots of the Modern American Empire, в: Partisan Review, No. 4,
1970 (с ответом Уильямса и моей репликой в: Partisan Review, No. 1,
1971); а также на письмо в: New York Review of Books, 20 March
1. Richard Koebner and H.D.Schmidt, Imperialism: The Story and
Significance of a Political Word, 1840-1960 (Cambridge,
England, 1964), ch.I.
2. B: Bagehot's Historical Essays, ed. Norman St. John-Stevas (New
York, 1966), 447-452.
3.  Joseph A.Schumpeter, «The Sociology of Imperialisms», в:
Imperialism and Social Classes (New York, 1951), 5.
4. Churchill to Roosevelt, 21 May 1944, в: Churchill and Roosevelt:
The Complete Correspondence, ed. W.F.Kimball (Princeton,
1984), III, 140.
5. Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Сочинения, 2-е издание, т.9, с. 136, 225.
6. Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Соч., т.6, с.292; т.4, с.468; т.37, с.74;
т.35, с.297.

7. Valeric Pakenham, The Noonday Sun (London, 1985), 10.
8. Charles A.Conant, «The Economic Basis of Imperialism», North
American Review, September 1898, в: Conant, The United States
m the Orient (Boston, 1900), 3, 9, 29.
9. Ленин В.И. Полное собрание сочинений, т.27, с.379.
10. Andre Gunder Frank, Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin
America (New York, 1967), 9.
11. Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Соч., т.23, с.759.
12. Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Соч., т.37, с.74.
13. Gunnar Myrdal, Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of
Nations (abr. ed., New York, 1971), 111-112.
14. АПРА — APRA — Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana
(Американский народно-революционный альянс). Цитата
взята из: An interview with Victor Alba, New Leader, 26 April
15. J.K.Galbraith, The Nature of Mass Poverty (Cambridge, Mass.,
1979), 91. Слова Робинсон, которые я цитирую по Гэлбрейту,
см. в: Joan Robinson, Economic Philosophy (Garden City, N.Y.,
1964), 45.
16.    Ср.: Conor Cruise O'Brien, «Contemporary Forms of
Imperialism», в: Readings in U.S. Imperialism, ed. K.T.Fann and
D.C.Hodges (Boston, 1971), 7, c: O'Brien, «The Fall of Africa»,
New Republic, 18 March 1985.
17. Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth (London, 1967), 83.
18. E.H.Carr, The Bolshevic Revolution, 1917 — 1923 (London,
1961), III, 61, цитируемый в: Tony Smith, The Pattern of
Imperialism (Cambridge, England, 1981), 210.
19. Myrdal, Asian Drama, 109, 442-443.
20. Galbraith, Nature of Mass Poverty, 46.
21. Ibid., 89.
22. A.J.P.Taylor, «London Diary», New Statesman, 7 January 1956.
См. также его эссе «Economic Imperialism» в: Englishmen and
Others (London, 1956), 76-80.
23.   Цитируется в: W.L.Langer «Farewell to Empire», Foreign
Affairs, October 1962, 118.
24. Schumpeter, Imperialism, 18, 25, 65.
25. Max Weber, «Structures of Power», в: From Max Weber: Essays
m Sociology, ed. H.H.Gerth and C.Wnght Mills (New York,
1946), 169.
26.      D.K.Fieldhouse, «"Imperialism": An Historiographical
Revision», Economic History Review, December 1961, 204.
27. W.L.Langer, «Farewell to Empire», Foreign Affairs, October
1962, 120; Langer, «A Critique of Imperialism», Foreign Affairs,
October 1935, 113.
28. From Max Weber, 164.
29. Ronald Robinson, John Gallagher and Alice Denny, Africa and
the Victorians: The Climax of Imperialism (London, 1968), 472.
30. AJ.P.Taylor, Englishmen and Others, 79.
31.   A.K.Wemberg, Manifest Destiny: A Study of Nationalist
Expansionism in American History (Baltimore, 1935).
32. American Historical Review, June 1978.
33. R.W.Van Alstyne, The Rising American Empire (New York,
1960), 1, 9.
34. Interview with W.A.Williams, в: Henry Abelove et al., eds ,
Visions of History (New York, 1984), 139.
35.   William Appleman Williams, The Tragedy of American
Diplomacy (2nd rev. and enlarged ed , New York, 1972), 15
36. Walter LaFeber, The New Empire (Ithaca, 1963), 7.
37. Цитируется по: J.H.Hutson, «Intellectual Foundations of Early
American Diplomacy», Diplomatic History, Winter 1977, 6, 8,
38    A.O.Hirschman, «Rival Interpretations of Market Society»,
Journal of Economic Literature, December 1982, 1464.
39. Jefferson, «Report of the Secretary of State on the Privileges and
Restrictions on the Commerce of the United States in Foreign
Countries», 16 December 1793, в: The Record of American
Diplomacy, ed. R.J.Bartlett (New York, 1947), 74.
40. Emerson, «The Young American»
41. Redburn, ch.XXXIII.
42. James A.Field, Jr , America and the Mediterranean World, 1776
— 1882 (Prmceton, 1969), 26, 59, 137.
43. См.: Robert E.May, The Southern Dream of Caribbean Empire,
1854 — 1861 (Baton Rouge, 1973); Charles H Brown, Agents of
Manifest Destiny: The Lives and Times of the Filibusters (Chapel
Hill, 1980).
44. Член палаты представителей Джеймс Монро (штат Огайо),
цитируемый по: Paul S Holbo, «Economics, Emotion, and
Expansion: An Emerging Foreign Policy», b' The Gilded Age, ed
H.Wayne Morgan, (2nd ed., Syracuse, 1970), 202.
45. Field, America and the Mediterranean World, 313, 374.
46. Holbo, «Economics, Emotion, and Expansionism», 212.
47. Field, «American Imperialism», American Historical Review,
June 1978,658,667.
48. Adams to Hay, 2 November 1901, в: Letters of Henry Adams,
1892 — 1918. ed. W.C.Ford (Boston, 1938), 358.
49. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (Boston, 1918),
50. Hugh McCulloch, Men and Measures of Half a Century (New
York, 1888), 508-512.
51. Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Соч., т.22, с 347
52. Цитируется по: Holbo, «Economics, Emotion, and Expansion»,
53. Цитируется по: David M.Pletcher, «1861 — 1898: Economic
Growth and Diplomatic Adjustment», в: Economics and World
Power: An Assessment of American Diplomacy Since 1789, ed
W.H.Becker and S.F.Wells, Jr. (New York, 1984), 126.
54. Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970
(Washington, 1975), II, 887.
55. W.H.Becker, «Foreign Markets for Iron and Steel. 1893 — 1913",
Pacific Historical Review, May 1975.
56.  Цитируется по: Lloyd C.Gardner, A Covenant with Power:
America and World Order from Wilson to Reagan (New York,
1984), 6.
57. Cordell Hull, Memoirs (New York. 1948), I. 81.
58. Arthur M.Schlesmger, Jr., The Coming of the New Deal (Boston,
1958), 254.
59. Harry Magdoff, «Comments:, в: Testing Theories of Economic
Imperialism, ed. S.J.Rosen and J.R.Kurth (Lexmgton, Mass.,
1974), 84.
60. Williams, Tragedy, 206.
61. Williams. Roots. 8.
62. Encyclopaedia Bntanmca; Or, A Dictionary of Arts and Sciences
(Edinburgh, 177 1), II, 494.
63. Richard Koebner, Empire (Cambridge, England, 1961), 295.
64. Weinberg, Manifest Destiny, 103.
65  Williams, Roots, 146-147.
66. Ibid., 379.
67. Grover Cleveland, Presidential Problems (New York, 1904), 279-
68. Howard K.Beale, Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to
World Power (1956; Collier paperback, 1962), 59-60.
69.    Анализ сравнительной притянутости доказательств в:
LaFeber, The New Empire, см. в: Paul S.Holbo, «A View of The
New Empire», документе, представленном вниманию Органи-
зации американских историков 16 апреля 1971 г.
70    D.W.Brogan, The American Character (1956; Time Inc.
paperback, 1962), 220.
71. N.Gordon Levin, «The Open Door Thesis Reconsidered», Reviews
in American History, December 1974.
72. Williams, Roots, 483.
73. Akira Iriye, «Imperialism and Sincerity», Reviews in American
History, March 1973, 124-125.
74.  Karl Popper, Unended Quest: An Intellectual Autobiography
(London, 1976), 41-42.
75. William Appleman Williams, «America II», Partisan Review #
(1971), 73.
76  Williams, Roots, 32
77. A.T.Mahan, «Naval Strategy, Compared and Contrasted with the
Principles of Military Operations on Land», в: Mahan on Naval
Warfare, ed. Allan Westcott (Boston, 1918), 355.
78. Thomas E.Weisskopf, «Capitalism, Socialism, and the Sources of
Imperialism», в: Testing Theories of Economic Imperialism, ed.
Rosen and Kurth, 59, 70.
79. Williams, Roots, 150, 326-327.
80. New York, 1974.
81. Henry Cabot Lodge, «Our Blundering Foreign Policy», Forum,
March 1895. 9, 10, 17.
82. Beale, Roosevelt, 82.
83. Williams, «America II», 73.
84. Roosevelt to F.S.Ohver, 9 August 1906, в: Theodore Roosevelt,
Letters, ed. E.E.Monson (Cambridge, Mass., 1951 — 1954), Y,
85. Lodge, «Our Blundering Foreign Policy», 15.
86. Beale, Roosevelt, 50-51.
87. Michael H.Hunt, Frontier Defense and the Open Door (New
Haven, 1973), 230.
88. Charles Beresford, The Break-Up of China (London, 1899), 443-
444, цитируется по: Marilyn Blatt Young, «American Expansion,
1870 — 1900: The Far East», в: Towards a New Past: Dissenting
Essays in American History, ed. B.J.Bernstein (New York, 1968),
89. Charles Denby, China and Her People (Boston, 1906), II, 38,
цитируется по: Young, «American Expansion», 179.
90 Young, «American Expansion», 186.
91. Hunt, Frontier Defense, 67.
92   Paul A.Varg, «The Myth of the China Market, 1890 — 1914",
American Historical Review, February 1968, 749.
93. Beale, Roosevelt, 50, 80.
94. Lodge, «Our Blundering Foreign Policy», 17
95.    D.G.Munro, Intervention and Dollar Diplomacy m the
Caribbean, 1900 - 1921 (Prmceton, 1964), 163.
96. Bryce Wood, The Making of the Good Neighbor Policy (New
York, 1961), 265, 300.
97. См.: Stephen C.Schlesmger and Stephen Kmzer, Bitter Fruit: The
Untold Story of the American Coup m Guatemala (New York,
98. Frank Mankiewicz and Kirby Jones, With Fidel (Chicago, 1975),
200-202; Jean Daniel, «Unofficial Envoy», New Repabhc,14
December 1963. См. также: Arthur M.Schlesmger, Jr., «The
Alliance for Progress: A Retrospective», в: Latin America: The
Search for a New International Role, ed. R.G.Hellman and
H.J.Rosenbaum (New York, 1975), 57-92.
99. Williams, Tragedy, 164, 165, 173, 190.
100. Myra Wilkms, «The Role of U.S.Busmess», в: Pearl Harbor as
History: Japanese-American Relations 1931 — 1941, ed. Dorothy
Borg and Shumpei Okamoto (New York, 1973), 346, 350.

101. Fidel Castro, There Must Be an Economic War of All the People,
speech of 28 December 1984 (Habana, 1965), 24.
102.   Henry Adams, History of the United States During the
Administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (New
York, 1889), I, 73.
103. Van Alstyne, Rising American Empire, 93; Wemberg, Manifest
Destiny, 103.
104.   Frederick Merk, Albert Gallatin and the Oregon Problem
(Cambridge, Mass., 1951), 13.
105. J.W.Pratt, «The Ideology of American Expansion», в: Essays in
Honor of William E.Dodd, ed. Avery Craven (Chicago, 1935),
106. J.O.Adams, Memoirs, ed. C.F.Adams (Philadelphia, 1874 —
1877), VI, 251.
107. Jefferson to Monroe, 24 October 1823, в: Jefferson, Writings, ed.
Merrill D.Peterson (Library of America, 1984), 1482; J.O.Adams,
Memoirs, VI, 70-74.
108. Wemberg, Manifest Destiny, 228-229
109. Adams, Memoirs, IV, 438.
110. Henry Adams, «The Session», North America Review, April 1869,
в: The Great Secession Winter of 1860-61 and Other Essays, ed.
George E.Hochfield (New York, 1958), 92.
11. Lodge,   «Our Blundering Foreign Policy», 16.
12. James K.Polk, Diary, ed. M.M.Quaife (Chicago, 1910), III. 348.
13. James Bryce, The American Commonwealth (New York, 1888), I,
14. Beale, Roosevelt, 138, 165, 389.
15. Schumpeter, Imperialism, 73.
16. Ibid., 51.
17. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy m America, II, Third Book,
118. James L.Payne, «Marx's Heirs Belie the Pacifist Promise», Wall
Street Journal, 5 April 1985.
119.  Milovan Djilas,- «The Militarization of the Soviet Bloc», Wall
Street Journal, 30 May 1984.
120. Цитируется по: John Vinocur, New York Times, 9 January 1983.
121.   Richard Faber, The Vision and the Need: Late Victorian
Imperialist Aims (London, 1966), 106-107.
122. Fidel Castro, To Pay Tribute to the Empire or to Pay Tribute to the
Homeland, dialogue with delegates to the Trade Union
Conference of Latin American and Caribbean Workers, 18 July
1985 (Habana, 1985), 26-27
123. Jean-Francois Revel, Without Marx or Jesus (Garden City, N.Y ,
1971), 139.
124. Frantz Fanon, A Dying Colonialism (New York, 1967), 49, 37,
125. Fanon, Dying Colonialism, 131; Fanon, Wretched of the Earth,
34, 36; Fanon, Toward the African Revolution (New York, 1967),
31, 38; Dying Colonialism, 62-63.
126. См.: Roland Oliver, «Initiatives and Resistance», Times Literary
Supplement, 9 August 1985.
127.    См. в особенности: Ronald Robinson, «Non-European
Foundations of European Imperialism: Sketch for a Theory of
Collaboration», в: Studies in the Theory of Imperialism, ed. Roger
Owen and Bob Sutchffe (London, 1972), перепечатано в:
Imperialism: The Robinson and Gallagher Controversy, ed.
W.R.Louis (New York, 1976); а также в: D.K.Fieldhouse,
Economics and Empire, 1830 — 1914 (London, 1973).
128. Louis, ed., Imperialism, 147.
129. P.F.Lambert, «The »All-Mexico" Movement", в: The Mexican
War: Changing Interpretations, ed. O.B.Faulk and J.A.Stout, Jr.
(Chicago, 1973), 171.
130. Walter LaFeber, Inevitable Revolutions: The United States m
Central America (New York, 1983), 33.
131. Hugh Thomas, Cuba; Or the Pursuit of Freedom (London, 1971),
100, 208-217, 250.
132. Hunt, Frontier Defense, 246-249.
133. Geir Lundestad, «Empire by Invitation? The United States and
Western Europe, 1945 — 1952», Society for the History of
American Foreign Relations, Newsletter, September 1984.
134. Speech at West Point, 13 Juny 1916, Woodrow Wilson, Public
Papers, ed. Ray Stannard Baker and W.E.Dodd (New York, 1925
— 1927), IV, 203.

Глава  8. Истоки «холодной войны»
Первая часть была опубликована в: Foreign Affairs, October
1967, под названием «Origins of the Cold War».
В этой книге она дана в неизменном виде. Вторая часть основана
на: «The Cold War Revisited», New York Review of Books, 25 October
1. «The Tragic Element in Modern International Conflict» — лекция
первоначально опубликована в: Review of Politics, April 1950,
и ее можно найти в: Herbert Butterfield, History and Human
Relations (London, 1951).
2. John Lewis Gaddis, «The Emerging Post-Revisionist Synthesis on
the Origins of the Cold War», Diplomatic History, Summer 1983.
3.   Pieter Geyl, Napoleon: For and Against (1949; Peregrine
paperback, 1965), 18.
4. Каждый, кто изучает историю «холодной войны», должен быть
признателен замечательному отчету в книге: W.H.McNeill,
America, Britain and Russia: Their Cooperation and Conflict,
1941-1946 (New York, 1953), и блестящей и незаменимой се-
рии одного и того же автора: Herbert Feis: Churchill, Roosevelt,
Stalin: The War They Waged and the Peace They Sought
(Princeton, 1957); Between war and Peace: The Potsdam
Conference (Princeton, 1960); The Atomic Bomb and the End of
World War II (Princeton, 1966). К числу полезных исследова-
ний недавнего времени относятся: Andre Fontaine, Histoire de
la Guerre Froide (2 v., Paris, 1965, 1967); N.A. Graebner, Cold
War Diplomacy. 1945-1960 (Princeton, 1962); L.J.Halle, The
Cold War as History (London, 1967); M.F.Herz, Beginnings of
the Cold War (Bloomington, Ind., 1966); W.L. Neumann, After
Victory: Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin and the Making of the Peace
(New York, 1967).
5.   William Appleman Williams, The Tragedy of American
Diplomacy (2nd rev. ed., New York, 1972), 229.
6.    William Appleman Williams, «Demystifying Cold War
Orthodoxy», Science and Society, Fall 1975, 349.
7. Williams, Tragedy, 159.
8. Geir Lundestad, The American Non-Policy Eastern Europe, 1943-
1947: Universalism in an Area Not of Essential Interest to the
United States (Oslo, 1978), 61.
9. К.П.Вошенков. СССР в борьбе за мир. Международные кон-
ференции 1944-1974. Москва, 1975, с.78; цитируется в:
Svatava Rakova, «U.S.Central European Policy», Historica XXII
(Prague, 1983), 145.
10. Williams, Tragedy, 231.
11. Barton J.Bernstein, «Walter Lippmann and the Early Cold War»,
в: Cold War Critics, ed. T.G.Paterson (Chicago, 1971), 30, 45.
12. Lynn E.Davis, The Cold War Begins: Soviet-American Conflict
over Eastern Europe (Princeton, 1974), 311, 389.
13  Lundestad, American Non-Policy, 40-41, 43, 317-318, 416, 4 19-
420, 424, 429.
14    James F.Byrnes, «Neighboring Nations in One World»,
Department of State Bulletin, 4 November 1945.
15   Eduard Mark, «Charles E.Bohlen and the Acceptable Limits of
Soviet Hegemony in Eastern Europe: A Memorandum of 18
October 1945", Diplomatic History, Spring 1979, 207-209; cm.
также: Mark, «American Policy toward Eastern Europe and the
Origins of the Cold War, 1941-1946: An Alternative
Interpretation", Journal of American History, September 1981.
16   W.A.Harnman and Elie Abel, Special Envoy to Churchill and
Stalin 1941-1946 (New York, 1975), 414, 315
17. Mark, «American Policy», 331-332.
18. Gabriel Kolko, The Politics of War: The World and United States
Foreign Policy, 1943-1945 (New York, 1968), 338.
19 Alfred E.Eckes, Jr., «Open Door Expansionism Reconsidered: The
World War II Experience», Journal of American History, March
1973, 912, 916-917.
20. Richard N.Gardner, Sterling-Dollar Diplomacy: The Origins and
the Prospects of the International Economic Order (1956;
expanded ed., New York, 1969), 375.
21.    Henry W.Berger, «Senator Taft Dissents from Military
Escalation», в: Paterson, ed., Cold War Critics, 176, 181.
22. Joseph P.Kennedy, «An American Policy for Americans», before
the Student Legal Forum, Charlottesville, Va , 12 December
23. William Appleman Williams, «Our Invested Interests», Nation,
7 May 1977.
24. Williams, Tragedy, 219-220.
25. «Remarks of Ambassador A.F.Dobrynm», Congressional Record,
19 June 1985 (daily ed.).
26. Valentm Berezhkov, History in the Making: Memoirs of World
War II Diplomacy (Moscow, 1983), 308.
27. N.V.Sivachev and N.N.Yakovlev, Russia and the United States
(Chicago — London, 1979), p.259.
28. Earl Browder, War or Peace with Russia (New York, 1947), 104-
29. At Madison Square Garden, 12 September 1946.
30. Henry A.Wallace, Toward World Peace (New York, 1948), 67,
31. Martin Sherwin, A World Destroyed: The Atomic Bomb and the
Grand Alliance (New York, 1975), 6.
32. Robert A.Dallek, Franklin D.Roosevelt and American Foreign
Policy, 1932 — 1945 (New York, 1979), 534, 507. Очевидно,
что со времени написания эссе в 1967 г. я изменил свою соб-
ственную точку зрения относительно степени преданности
Рузвельта вильсонианству.
32  Daniel Yergm, Shattered Peace: The Origins of the Cold War and
the National Security State (Boston, 1977), 68.
34    John Lewis Gaddis, Strategies of Containment: A Critical
Appraisal of Postwar American National Security Policy (New
York, 1982), 13.
35   Herbert E.Meyer, «A Trendy Cold War Fairy Tale», Fortune,
November 1977; Carolyn Eisenberg, «Reflections on a Toothless
Revisionism», Diplomatic History, Summer 1978.
36   Daniel F.Hamngton, «Kennan, Bohlen, and the Riga Axioms»,
Diplomatic History, Fall 1978, 426, 432, 434.
37. Bohlen and Kennan, Memoranda of 14 April 1949, minutes of
meeting of 15 April 1949, в: Foreign Relations of the United
States: 1949 (Washington, 1976), I, 271-283
38. Yergm, Shattered Peace. 8, 413
39. Adam Ulam, The Rivals (New York, 1971), 96-101.
40. См.: Nancy B.Tucker, Patterns m the Dust (New York, 1983).
41. См.: Michael S.Sherry, Preparing for the Next Way American
Plans for Postwar Defense, 1941-45 (New Haven, 1977); Perry
McCoy Smith, The Air Force Plans for Peace, 1943-1945
(Baltimore, 1970); Vincent Davis, Postwar Defense Policy and the
U.S. Navy, 1943-1946 (Chapel Hill, 1966); M P.Leffler, «The
American Conception of National Security and the Beginnings of
the Cold War, 1945-48", American Historical Review, April
42. Williams, Tragedy, 283.
43. N.V.Sivachev and N.N.Yakovlev, Op.cit., p.247, 240, 249, 255,
44. Мастны Войтех. Путь России к холодной войне. Дипломатия,
войны и политика стран коммунизма, 1941-1945. Москва,
Прогресс, 1980, с. 12, 13, 215, 217, 271.
45. Там же, с.292.
46. Alexander Werth, Russia at War, 1941-1945 (New York, 1964),
47. Steven G.Neal, «A Comrade's Last Harrumph», Philadelphia
Inquirer, 5 August 1973.
48. Fernando Claudin, The Communist Movement from Comintern
to Commform (London, 1975), 620, 388-389, 426-432, 576,
587-589, 32.
49.   D.C.Watt, «Rethinking the Cold War», Political Quarterly,
October-December 1978.
50. Herbert Butterfield, «Morality and an International Order», в:
The Aberystwith Papers: International Politics, 1919-1969, ed.
Brian Porter (Oxford, 1972), 353-354.
51. Terry H.Anderson, The United States, Great Britain and the Cold
War, 1944-1947 (Columbia, Mo., 1981), 80.
52. Victor Rothwell, Britain and the Cold War, 1941-1947 (London,
1982), 413.
53. Ibid., 241.
54.   Alan Bullock, Ernest Bevm: Foreign Secretary 1945-1951
(London, 1983), 216.
55. James F.Byrnes, Speaking Frankly (New York, 1947), 79.
56. John W.Wheeler-Bennett and Anthony Nicholls, The Semblance
of Peace: The Political Settlement After the Second World War
(London, 1972), 424.
57.  Peter G.Boyle, «The British Foreign Office View of Soviet-
American Relations, 1945-46", Diplomatic History, Summer
1979, 311, 313, 314.
58. Ibid., 311.
59. Rothwell, Britain and the Cold War, 259, 434.
60. Ibid., 411-442, 454-455.
61   Anderson, The United States, Great Britain, and the Cold War,
209, 211.

62. Rothwell, Britain and the Cold War, 454-455.
63  Robert G.Kaiser, Cold Winter, Cold War (New York, 1974), 177

Часть третья
Глава  9. Государственное регулирование
и американская экономика

В этой главе я использовал отрывки из раздела «Ideas and the
Economic Process» в книге Seymour E.Harris, American Economic
History (New York, 1961); «Ideas and Economic Development» в:
Paths of American Thought, ed. Arthur M.Schlesmger, Jr. and Morton
White (Boston, 1963), из лекции, посвященной Токвилю в Wake
Forest University в 1982; и из «Neo-Conservatism and the Class
Struggle», Wall Syreet Journal, 2 June 1981.
1. E.A.J.Johnson, The Foundations of American Economic Freedom:
Government and Enterprise in the Age of Washington
(Minneapolis, 1973), 153, 200, 260, 312.
2   John C.Miller, Alexander Hamilton: Portrait in Paradox (New
York, 1959), 293.
3.   Joyce Appleby, Capitalism and a New Social Order: The
Republican Vision of the 1790s (New York, 1984). 88; Jacob
E.Cooke, ed., The Reports of Alexander Hamilton (New York,
1964), 166.
4.  Madison to Washington, 16 April 1787, в: The Complete
Madison: His Basic Writings, ed. Saul K.Padover (New York,
1953), 185.
5. Jefferson to T.M.Randolph, 30 May 1790, Jefferson, Writings
(Memorial ed.), VIII, 31; Jefferson, «Autobiography», в:
Writings, ed. Merrill Peterson (Library of America, 1984), 74.
6. Johnson, Foundations, 305.
7. Gallatin, «Report on Roads and Canals», в: The Government and
the Economy: 1783-1861, ed. Carter Goodrich (Indianapolis,
1967), 6-8.
8.    G.S.Callender, «The Early Transportation and Banking
Enterprises of the States in Relation to the Growth of
Corporations», Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1902,
9. Johnson, Foundations, 305.
10. Callender, «Early Transportation and Banking Enterprises», 157
11. Goodrich, ed., Government and the Economy, p XVI, XXII.
12.   Рассчитано Milton Heath, Robert A.Lively, «The American
System», Business History Review, March 1955, 86
13. Callender, «Early Transportation and Banking Enterprises», 155-
14  Oscar and Mary F.Handlm, Commonwealth, A Stady of the Role
of Government m the American Economy: Massachusetts, 1774-
1861 (New York, 1947), 186.
15. R.C.Black III, Railroads of the Confederacy (Chapel Hill, 1952),
16. Callender, «Early Transportation and Banking Enterprises», 114.
17. Stuart Bruchey, The Roots of American Economic Growth (New
York, 1965), 131.
18.    Louis Hartz, Economic Policy and Democratic Thought-
Pennsylvania, 1776-1960 (Cambridge, Mass., 1948), 292.
19. H.A.Hill, Memoir of Abbott Lawrence (Boston, 1883), 169.
20. William Leggett, «True Functions of Government», New York
Evening Post, 21 November 1834 и «Associated Effort», Post, 10
December 1836, в: Social Theories of Jacksonian Democracy, ed.
Joseph L.Blau (New York, 1947), 77, 82.
21. Oscar and Mary Handlm, Commonwealth, 262.
22. Hartz, Economic Policy, 80-81, 140, 172, 175.
23. Lively, 'American System", 91.
24. Oscar and Mary Handlm, Commonwealth, 233.
25. John Taylor of Caroline, An Inquiry into the Principles and
Policy of the Government of the United States (New York, 1950),
26.   cm. J.Willard Hurst, The Legitimacy of the Bussiness
Corporation m the Law of the United States, 1780-1970
(Charlottesville, 1970).
27. Jackson, Maysville Road Veto, 27 May 1830.
28. Martin Van Buren, Autobiography (Washington, 1919), 172.
29. Carter Goodrich, Government Promotion of American Canals and
Railroads, 1800-1890 (New York. 1960), 44.
30. J.O.Adams to C.W.Upham, 2 February 1837, в: Brooks Adams,
«The Heritage of Henry Adams», introduction to Henry Adams,
The Degradation of the Democratic Dogma (New York, 1919), 25.
31. Carter Goodrich, «The Revusion against Internal Improvements»,
Journal of Economic History, November 1950.
32. Carter Goodrich, «The Virginia System of Mixed Enterprise»,
Political Science Quarterly, September 1949, 384.
33. John L.O'Sulhvan, «Note», Democratic Review, May 1843, 583.
34. Paul K.Conkm, Prophets of Prosperity: America's First Political
Economists (Bloommgton, Ind., 1980), 220-221.
35. Jackson's Bank Veto, 10 July 1832.
36. Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge, 11 Peters 547.
37. Joel Porte, ed., Emerson in His Journals (Cambridge, Mass ,
1982), 334.
38. Р.Эмерсон «Молодой американец» в Ральф Эмерсон «Эссе»;
М., «Художественная литература», с.98, 99, 108.
39. George Bancroft, The Necessity, the Reality, and the Promise of
the Progress of the Human Race (New York, 1854), 34.
40. Benjamin F.Butler, Butler's Book (Boston, 1892), 85.
41. A.O.Hirschman, The Passions and the Interests: Political
Arguments for Capitalism before Us Triumph (Prmceton, 1977),
а также Hirschman, «Rival Interpretations of Market Society.
Civilizing, Destructive, or Feeble?» Journal of Economic
Literature, December 1982.
42. George Combe, Notes on the United States of North America,
During a Phrenological Visit in 1838-9-40 (Philadelphia, 1841),
I, 303.
43.    Kate McKean, ed., Carey's Manual of Social Science
(Philadelphia, 1864), 516.
44. Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Соч., т.23, с.229, 759; т.28, с.424; т.28,
с.227-228. Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Письма о «Капитале». М.,
Изд-во политической литературы, 1986 г.
45. Lincoln to H.L. Pierce and others, 6 April 1859, в: Abraham
Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings, ed. R.P.Easier (Cleveland,
1946), 488-489.
46. James Bryce, The American Commonwealth (London, 1888), II,
47. Lochner v. New York, 198 U.S., 75.
48.     Alan    Jones,     «Thomas     M.Cooley     and     «Laissez-Faire
Constitutionalism":  A  Reconsideration", Journal of American
History, March 1967, 752.
49. Callender, «Early Transportation and Banking Enterprises», 50,
111. W.G.Sumner, «Protectionism: the Ism which Teaches that
Want Makes Wealth» (1883), в: Essays, ed. A.G.Keller and
M.R.Davie (New Haven, 1934), II, 485-486.
51. Thomas Hart Benton, Thirty Year's View (New York, 1854), I, 6.
52. J.Q.Adams, Memoirs, ed. C.F.Adams (Philadelphia, 1874-1877),
IY, 375 (27 May 1819), Y, 128-129 (22 May 1820).
53. Martin Van Buren, Message to Congress, 4 September 1837.
54. James Buchanan, Message to Congress, 8 December 1857.
55. Garfield to B.A.Hmsdale, 8 December 1874, в: Leonard D.White,
The Republican Era: A Study in Administrative History, 1869 —
1901 (New York, 1958), 4.
56. Grover Cleveland, Second Inaugural Address, 4 March 1893.
57. Henry Adams, «The New York Gold Conspiracy», в: Adams, The
Great Secession Winter of 1860-61 and Other Essays, ed. George
E.Hochfield (New York, 1958), 189.
58. Adams, «The Session, 1869 — 1870", в: Great Secessions Winter,
59. John A.Garraty, Henry Cabot Lodge (New York, 1953), 138.
60.   cm. W.R.Brock, Investigation and Responsibility: Public
Responsibility in the United States, 1865-1900 (Cambridge,
England, 1985), а также W.E.Nelson, The Roots of American
Bureaucracy, 1830 — 1900 (Cambridge, Mass., 1982).
61. Bryce, American Commonwealth, II, 408-411.
62. Theodore Roosevelt, Message to Congress, 8 December 1908.
63. Theodore Roosevelt, The New Nationalism (New York, 1910),
64. В речи в январе 1911 г. Henry L.Stimson and McGeorge Bundy;
On Active Service in Peace and War (New York, 1948), 60.
65. Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,
1961). 164.
66. Herbert Croly, The Promise of American Life (New York, 1909),
22, 50, 106, 39-40, 169-170.
67. Herbert Hoover, States Papers and Other Public Writings, ed.
W.S.Myers (New York, 1934), II, 8-9.
68. Franklin D.Roosevelt, Public Papers and Addresses... 1928 —
1932 (New York, 1938), 458, 643.
69. Franklin D.Roosevelt, Pybhc Papers... 1928 — 1932 (New York,
1938), 632, 782, 784.
70. Franklin D.Roosevelt, Public Papers and Addresses... 1938 (New
York, 1941), XXIX-XXX.
71. John F.Kennedy, Public Papers... 1963 (Washington, 1964),
72. Jimmy Carter, State of the Union address, 19 January 1978.
73. Theodore Roosevelt, Message to Confress, 8 December 1908.
74.   D.P.Moynihan, «How Has the United States Met Its Major
Challenges Since 1945?» Commentary, November 1985.
75. Thomas B.Edsall, «Republican America», New York Review of
Books, 24 April 1986.
76. Orestes A.Brownson, The American Republic (New York, 1886),
77. Fred Hirsch, Social Limits to Growth (Cambridge, Mass., 1976),
11-12, 143.
78. Tocqueville, Democracy in America, II, Second Book, ch.XVII.
79. George Gilder, Wealth and Poverty (Bantam paperback, 1982),
80. Thurman Arnold, «How They Are Voting», New Republic, 30
September 1936.
81   Franklin D.Roosevelt, Fireside Chat, 14 April 1938.
82.   Lloyd A.Free and Hadley Cantril, The Political Beliefs of
Americans (New Brunswick, N.J., 1967), 33.
83. Arthur M.Schlesinger, Jr., «Which Road for the Democrats?»
Reporter, 20 January 1953. Я благодарен Джефферсону Mop-
ли, поскольку эти мудрые слова пришли мне на память, когда
я прочитал его работу «The Old Idea of "New Ideas"», New
Republic, 27 May 1985.
84   New York Times, 21 October 1981.
85  Charles Peters, «A Neo-Liberal's Manifesto», Washington Post, 5
September 1982.

86   Gary Hart, A New Democracy (New York, 1983), 26
87.    Woodrow   Wilson,    «Bryce's   American    Commonwealth     A
Review», Political Science Quarterly, March 1989

Глава   10. Недолгое счастье
американских политических партий

В основу этой главы легли следующие работы: «Can the System
Be Saved?» Encounter, January 1983, переработанная в «The Crisis
of the American Party System» в: Political Parties and the Modern
State, ed. Richard L.McCormick (New Brunswick, N.J , 1984), а так-
же: «Crisis of the Party System», Wall Street Journal, 10 May, 14 May
1979 и «Can the Party System Be Saved?» в The American
Constitutional System under Strong and Weak Parties, ed. Patricia
Bonomi, James MacGregor Burns and Austin Ranney (New York,
1. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy m America, I, ch.XIV.
2. James Bryce, The American Commonwealth (New York, 1888), I,
3. David Glass, Peverill Squire and Raymond Wolfmger, «Voter
Turnout: An International Comparison», Public Opinion,
December/January 1984.
4. Rousseau, The Social Contract, Book II, ch.III.
5. Hume, «Of Parties in General», в Essays: Moral, Political and
Liberary (World's Classics, 1903), 55.
6. Jefferson to Francis Hopkinson,   13  March  1789, в Thomas
Jefferson (Library of America, 1984), 941.
7. Franklin D.Roosevelt, Public Paper and Addresses (New York,
1938), I, 628.
8. Henry Jones Ford, The Rise and Growth of American Politics
(New York, 1898), 203.
9. Ford, Rise and Growth, 306.
10. Thoreau, «Life Without Principle», Miscellanies (Boston, 1893),
11. The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens (New York, 1931), 618.
Классический анализ функций городских партийных органи-
заций см. в работе Robert K.Merton, «Manifest and Latent
Functions», в: On Theoretical Sociology (New York, 1967), осо-
бенно 126-136.
12. Tocqueville, Democracy in America, I, ch XIV.
13. Bryce, The American Commonwealth, II, 20.
14. Henry F.Prmgle, Theodore Roosevelt (New York, 1931), 89.
15.   William A.Robinson, Thomas В Reed Parliamentarian (New
York, 1930), 379.
16   Henry Adams, Democracy (1880), ch.4.
17. Samuel Lubell, The Hidden Crisis in American Politics (New
York, 1970), 49.
18. The 10th Federalist.
19. Edward M.Stanwood, A History of the Presidency (Boston, 1898),
20. Woodrow Wilson, Congressional Government (Boston, 1 885), 92,
21. Tocqueville, Democracy m America, II, First Book, ch.XXI.
22. Janet Smith, ed., Mark Twain on the Damned Human Race (New
York, 1962), 105.
23. Tocqueville, Democracy in America, I, ch.X.
24. Henry Adams, The Great Secession Winter of 1860-61 and Other
Essays, ed. George E.Hochfield (New York, 1963), 279.
25. Arthur M.Schlesmger, Paths to the Present (New York, 1949), 95,
26. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (Boston, 1918),
27. Bryce, American Commonwealth, I, 75.
28. Smith, ed., Mark Twain, 105.
29. Whitman, Democratic Vistas, в Complete Poetry and Collected
Prose (Library of America), 965-966.
30. Herbert Croly, Progressive Democracy (New York, 1914), 324,
31. Calvin Coohdge, Autobiography (New York, 1929), 230.
32. Franklin D.Roosevelt, Public Papers and Addresses... 1940 (New
York, 1941), 28.
33. Всесторонее обсуждение этого вопроса можно найти в: What
Price PACs? Report of the Twentieth Century Task Force on
Political Action Committees (New York, 1984) и в познаватель-
ной статье David Shribman and Brooks Jackson в: The Wall
Street Journal, 22 November 1985.
34. Harold Macmillan, The Past Masters (London, 1975), 107. cm.
также глубокий анализ этой проблемы в: Joshua Meyrowitz, No
Sense of Place: The Impact of Electronic Media on Social
Behavior (New York, 1984), ch. 14.
35. Как вспоминает Clayton Fritchey в «Out, Damn Spots», Los
Angeles Times Syndicate, 31 March 1976.
36. Цитирует Newton Minow in a speech to the Association of
American Low Schools, 5 January 1985, перепечатано в
Congressional Record (daily ed.), 20 February 1985, E 492.
37. A.Lowrence Lowell, Public Opinion and Popular Government
(New York, 1913), особенно ch.V.
38. Patricia Bonomi, James MacGregor Burns and Austin Ranney,
eds., The American Constitutional System under Strong and
Weak Parties (New York, 1981), 137.
39. Историю общественной мысли в эпоху непартийных прези-
дентов, которую автор оценивает скорее положительно, см. в:
Ralph Ketcham, Presidents above Party: The First American
Presidency, 1789-1829 (Chapel Hill, 1984).
40. Bryce, American Commonwealth, I, 660.

41. Adams, Education, ch.XVIII.

Глава   11. Имперское президентство
Я использовал послесловие к изданию The Imperial Presidency
(New York: Popular Library, 1974) и «Parliamentary Government»,
New Republic, 31 August 1974, а также статьи, написанные в раз-
ные годы для: Wall Street Journal, особенно «The Electoral College
Conundrum» (4 April 1977), «Reforming the American Presidency» (7
April 1981), «Time for Constitutional Change?» (24 December 1982),
«Making Reagan Accountable» (20 April 1984) и «Why Ex-Presidents
Should Stay That Way», Parade, 21 June 1981; «The Item Veto Is a
Bad Idea», Chicago Tribune, 2 April 1984; «Against a One-Term, Six-
Year President», New York Times, 10 January 1986.
1. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, I, ch. VIII.
2. Madison to Jefferson, 13 May 1798, в: The Complete Madison:
His Basic Writings, ed. Saul K.Padover (New York, 1953), p. 258.
3.  Abraham D.Sofaer, War, Foreign Affairs and Constitutional
Power: The Origins (Cambridge, Mass., 1976), 225-227, 265,
377-379. Работу судьи Софайра талантливо продолжил Henry
Bartholomew Cox, War, Foreign Affairs and Constitutional Power,
1829 — 1901 (Cambridge, Mass., 1984).
4. Calhoun in the Senate, 4 January 1848, цит. в: Frederick Merk,
Manifest Destiny and Mission in American History (New York,
1963), 163.
5. Louis J.Jennings, Eighty Years of Republican Government m the
United States (London, 1868). 36.
6. James Bryce, The American Commonwealth (1888), I. ch.VI.
7. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (Boston, 1918),
8. Woodrow Wilson, Congressional Government (15th ed.; Boston,
1901), p. XI-XII.
9. W.L.Langer and S.E.Gleason, The Challenge to Isolation (New
York, 1952), 539.
10. Richard M.Nixon, Memoirs (New York, 1978), p. 763.
11. Цит. по: Philip Hone, Diary... 1828 — 1851, ed. Allan Nevms
(New York. 1927), II, 686-687.
12. Thomas E.Cronm, «A Resurgent Congress and the Imperial
Presidency», Political Science Quarterly, Summer 1980, 210.
13. Charles L.Black, Jr., «Mr. Nixon, the Tapes and Common Sense»,
New York Times, 3 August 1973.
14. Theodore Lowi, The Personal President (Ithaca, 1985), 151.
15. T.D.Schellhardt, «Do We Expect Too Much?» Wall Street Journal,
10 July 1979.
16. Robert Shogan, None of the Above (New York, 1982), 3-4.
17. Godfrey Hodgson, All Things to All Men- The False Promise of
the Modern American Presidency (1980; Touchstone paperback,
1981), 49.
18. Ibid., 13.
19.  Hugh Heclo, «The Presidential Illusion», в: The Illusion of
Presidential Government, ed. Heclo and L M Salamon (Boulder,
Colo, 1981), 1.
20. Gerald R.Ford, «Imperiled, Not Imperial», Time, 10 November
21. Jonathan Daniels, Frontier on the Potomac (New York, 1946), 31
22. Richard Neustadt, Presidential Power' The Politics of Leadership
(1960; rev. ed., New York, 1976), 77, I.
23. Woodrow Wilson, Constitutional Government in the United States
(New York, 1908), 68, 73.
24. Tocqueville, Democracy in America, II, Fourth Book, ch.VI
25.    Pierce Butler of South Carolina; D.S.Freeman, George
Washington (New York, 1954), YI, 117.
26.     Carry Wills, Cmcmnatus: George Washington and
Enlightenment (Garden City, N.Y., 1984), p. 47, 103; Freeman,
Washington, YI, 86. Самюэль Элиот Морисон писал о Вашин-
гтоне: «В дальнейшем ни один президент Соединенных Шта-
тов не пользовался такой популярностью». Oxford History of
the American People (New York, 1965), p. 318.
27. Robert   .Remini, Andrew Jackson and the Course of American
Democracy, 1833 — 1845 (New York, 1984), ch.5.
28. Charles Dickens, American Notes, ch.XVIII.
29. James K.Polk, Diary, ed. M.M.Quaife (Chicago, 1910), II, 28.
30. Benjamin Harreson, This Country of Ours (New York, 1897),
163-164, 180.
31. William Howard Taft, The Presidency (New York, 1916), 47-48,
32. Senator Robert Griffin of Michigan, цит. по: James L.Sundquist,
The Decline and Resurgence of Congress (Washington, 1981),
33. New York Times. 2 September 1976.
34.    Цитируемые замечания взяты из: Conference Report,
Congressional Record, 4 October 1973, H8657 (daily ed.),
«Statement of War Powers Conferees», 4 October 1973, ротап-
ринтная копия, 2.
35. Этот тезис убедительно доказан в работе Eagleton, War and
Presidential Power: A Chronicle of Congressional Surrender
(New York, 1974).
36. Congressional Record, 7 November 1973, H9661 (daily ed.)
37. Letter m Washington Post, 6 December 1973.
38. Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha, 103 S Ct
2764 (1983).
39. Howard E.Shuman, Politics and the Budget. The Struggle Be-
tween the President and the Congress (Englewood Cliffs, N.J ,
1984), 246.
40. Henry Jones Ford, The Rise and Growth of American Politics
(New York, 1898), 284.
41. E.W.Emerson and W.E.Forbes, eds., Journals of Ralph Waldo
Emerson (Boston, 1909 — 1914), IY, 160.
42    Henry Adams, «The Session, 1869 — 1870", в: The Great
Secession Winter of 1860-61 and Other Essays, ed.
G.E.Hochfield (New York, 1958), 197.
43   Цит по: David Broder, Washington Post, 9 February 1984.
44   Lou Cannon, «Dramatic Account of Film of Nazi Death Camps
Questioned», Washington Post, 5 March 1984.
45. Lars-Епс Nelson в: New York Daily News, 16, 28 December
1983, 11 January 1984.
46. Sofaer, War, Foreign Affairs and Constitutional Power, 377-379.
47.   «Resolution on the 1984 Annual Report of the Information
Security Oversight Office», adopted by the Council of the
American Historical Association, 27 December 1985.
48. Congressional Record, 18 June 1984 (daily ed.), H 6021. Доклад
Главного счетного управления опубликован в Record, 20 June,
S 7694-7697.
49. James Bryce, Modern Democracies (New York, 1921), II, 371.
50. James Parton, Life of Andrew Jackson (Boston, 1860), III, 607.
51. John Taylor of Caroline, An Inquiry into the Principles and
Policy of the Government of the United States (1814; New Haven,
1950), 194.
52. Конференция была организована Центром по изучению демократических институтов и проведена в декабре 1973 г. Ци-
тата взята из доклада о конференции, который Мортимер Ад-
лер представил Джозефу Слейтеру из института Аспена 23
декабря 1973 г.
53. Lloyd N.Cutler, «To Form a Government», Foreign Affairs, Fall
54. Douglas Dillon, «The Challenge of Modern Governance», b'
Reforming American Government: The Bicentennial Papers of the
Committee on the Constitutional System, ed. D.L.Robinson
(Boulder, Colo., 1985), 28-29.
55. «After Two Centuries: Our Eighteenth Century Constitution m
Today's Complex World», Committee on the Constitutional
System Basic Policy Statement, 1 February 1983, 3.
56. Ford, Rise and Growth of American Politics, 59, 215.
57. Samuel Lubell, The Hidden Crisis m American Politics (New
York, 1970), 43.
58  Louis Hams, «Reagan Wins Reelection, Loses Big for Republican
Congress», The Harris Survey, 8 November 1984
59.  Don K.Price, «The Parliamentary and Presidential Systems»,
Public Administration Review, Autumn 1943, 320
60. Lord Hailsham, «Elective Dictatorship», Listener, 21 October
61. David Owen, «An Agenda for the New Year», Observer (London),
6 January 1985.
62. Ф.Д Рузвельт сказал это в беседе с Бенджамином Коэном См
Cohen's   23   May   1974   Royer   Lecture   at   the   University   of
California,      «Presidential      Responsibility      and      American
Democracy», 13.
63.  См.: Philip Norton, «The Norton View», в: The Politics of
Parliamentary Reform, ed. David Judge (Cranbury, N J., 1984),
особенно 62-65; и Norton, The Constitution m Flux (Oxford,
64. Allan Smdler, «A Critique of the Reuss Proposal», в: Robinson,
ed., Reforming American Government, 324.
65. Woodrow Wyatt, Turn Again, Westminster (London, 1973). Ци-
тируемое высказывание взято из дарственной надписи автора
на моем экземпляре книги.
66. Edward Pearce, «London Commentary», Encounter, September-
October 1982, 36.
67. Crossman, Myths of Cabinet Government, 16.
68. Lord Hailsham, «Wilson the Conservative», Listener, 28 October
69. «House of Cards», Economist, 4 August 1984.
70  Wyatt, Turn Again, Westminster, 17, 28-31.
71. James Gillies, «The Parliamentary Imperative», Saturday Night,
June 1984, 55.
72. Malcolm Shaw, «Reform of the American Congress», в: Judge,
ed., Politics of Parliamentary Reform, 129.
73. Hailsham, «Elective Dictatorship».
74. Wyatt, Turn Again, Westminster, 50.
75. Gillies, «Parliamentary Imperative», 55.
76. Wyatt, Turn Again. Westminster, 57.
77. См.: Chve Pontmg, The Right to Know: The Inside Story of the
«Belgrano» Affair (London, 1985), и Tarn Dalyell, «Pontmg Bites
Back», London Review of Books, 4 April 1985.
78.   Cf. Samuel H.Beer, Britain Against Itself: The Political
Contradictions of Collectivism (New York, 1982), 189-192.
79. Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1, 121 (1976).
80. Neustadt, Presidential Power, 101.
81. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579,
635 (1952).
82. In Dallas, Тех., 12 June 1936; Franklin D.Roosevelt, Public
Papers... 1936 (New York, 1938), 215.
83. Bryce, The American Commonwealth, I, 147-148.
84. Harriman before the Subcommittee on Separation of Powers,
Senate Judiciary Committee, Executive Privilege: The
Withholding of Information by the Executive, 92d Cong., 1st
Sess. (1971), 360.
85. Griffin Bell, Herbert Brownell, William Simon and Cyrus Vance
(национальный сопредседатель Комитета за один шестилет-
ний президентский срок) «For a One-Term, Six-Year
Presidency», New York Times, 31 December 1985
86  Jackson, second annual message, 6 December 1830
87. G.C.Tansill, ed., Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the
Union of the American States (Washington, 1927), 675, 396, 444
88. Senate Jydiciary Committee, Single Six-Year Term for President
Hearing, 92d Cong., 1st Sess. (1971), 63.
89. Tansill, Documents, 447.
90.   Washington to Lafayette, 28 April 1788, в. Washington,
Writings, ed. P.L.Ford (New York), 1891, XI, 257-258.
91. The 72nd Federalist.
92. Jefferson to John Taylor, 6 January 1805, в Jefferson, Writings,
ed. Merrill D.Peterson (Library of America, 1984), 1153
93. Wilson to A.Mitchell Palmer, 5 February 1913, Single Six-Year
Term, p. 239-240. Четырнадцать президентов CILIA потерпели
поражение в борьбе за переизбрание из-за отсутствия поддер-
жки либо своей партии, либо избирателей (оба Адамса, Ван-
Бюрен, Тайлер, Филмор, Пирс, Эндрю Джонсон, Артур Клив-
ленд, Бенджамин Гаррисон, Тафт, Гувер, Форд, Картер) В
этой связи Джеймс Сандквист задает вопрос: «Кто из них ис-
полнял бы свои обязанности более эффективно, продолжайся
их пребывание у власти еще два года?» См.: Sundquist,
Constitutional Reform and Effective Government (Washington,
1986), 129.
94. Congressional Record, 5 February 1985 (daily ed.), S 1004.
95. Mickey Edwards, «A Conservative's Case Against the Line Item
Veto», Washington Post, 8 February 1984.
96   Wulham Howard Taft, Our Chief Magistrate and His Powers
(New York. 1916), 27-28.
97. Lochner v. New York. 198 U.S. 45. 75.
98. New York Times, 23 March 1977.
99. Andrew Jackson, first annual message, 8 December 1829.
100. Gray v. Sanders, 372 U.S. 368 (1963).

101. Neal R.Peirce, The People's President: The Electoral College m
American History and the Direct-Vote Alternative (New York,
1968), 152.
102. J.H.Yunker and L.D.Longley, The Electoral College: Its Biases
Newly Measured for the 1960s and 1970s (Beverly Hills, Calif ,
1976), 37.
103. См.: The Library of Congress study by Joseph Gorman, «The
Election of 1888"; Congressional Record, 13 June 1979, S 7604-
7615 (daily ed.).
104. Wilson to Robert Lansmg, 5 November 1916, The Pepers of
Woodrow Wilson, ed. Arthur Link, XXXYIII, 617-618. Полков-
ник Хаус сделал это предложение Вильсону двумя неделями
раньше (493).
105. Crossman, Myths of Cabinet Government, XV-XVI
106. Calvin Coohdge, Autobiography (New York, 1929), 234, 194
107. Lincoln P.Bloomfield, «What's Wrong with Transitions», Foreign
Policy, Summer 1984, 35
108. Grover Cleveland, address at Sandwich, Mass., 25 July 1891,
Letters and Addresses, ed. A.E Bergh (New York, 1909), 234
109. Henry F.Prmgle, The Life and Times of William Howard Taft
(New York, 1939), II, 845.
110   Millard Fillmore, Papers, ed. F H Severance (Buffalo, 1907), II,
139,    цит.    no   A.B.Tourtellot's   valuable   compendium,   The
Presidents on the Presidency (New York, 1964), 384
111. James Monroe, Writings, ed.  S.M Hamilton (New York, 1898 —
1903), VII, 54, цит. no Tourtellot, Presidents, 378.
112   J.Q Adams,  Memoirs, ed   С F Adams  (Philadelphia,   1874  —
1877),'VIII, 245
1 13  Harry S Truman, Mr. Citizen (1960, Popular Library paperback,
без даты), 78-79, 85, 91.
114. Bureau of the Budget Stuff Memorandum, «Utilization of Former
Presidents», 3 April 1963, transmitted by William Carey to
Lawrence O'Brien, 8 April 1963, John F.Kennedy Library
115. John W.Chambers II, «Transformation of the Ex-Presidency»,
prospectus (1981), 2
116   Richard N.Nixon, The Peal War (New York, 1980), 243
117. Senator William V.Roth, Jr., «Ex-presidential Perks Are Way out
of Hand», USA Today, 28 March 1984.
118. Prmgle, Taft, II, 845-846.
119. Ibid., 846.
120. Bryce, American Commonwealth, I, 349.
121. Tocqueville, Democracy, I, ch.xvi.
122. Youngston Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 B34
123. In his message to Congress, 4 July 1861.
124. George Reedy, The Twilight of the Presidency (New York, 1970),
125. Walter F.Mondale, «The Institution of the Vice Presidency» ecture
at the University of Minnesota, 18 February 1981, ротаторная
копия, 3.
126. In his letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, 5 April 1887.
127. Adams, Education, ch.xxvni.
128. Линкольн сказал это в разговоре с майором Чарльзом Хэлпай-
ном, изложенном в Halpme's Baked Meats of the Funeral и ци-
тируемом в The Face of Lincoln, ed. James Mellon (New York,
129. Reedy, Twilight, 85.
130. Franklin D.Roosevelt, Public Papers... 1939 (New York, 1941),
131.   Greg Schneiders, «Goodbye to All That», Newsweek, 24
September 1979.
132. Rosenman and Harriman m interviews with Emmet J.Hughes,
The Living Presidency (New York, 1973), 348, 362.
133. Hamilton to Gouverneur Morns, 27 February 1802, Hamilton,
Works ed. H.C.Lodge (New York, 1904), YII1, 591.
134. Adams, Education, ch.xvm.

135. Уитмен У. Песня о топоре. См. сборник Г.У.Лонгфелло-У.Уит-
мен, М., Художественная литератураб 1986, стр. 412.

Глава   12. Будущее вице-президентства
В этой главе я развил в соответствии с современной обстановкой
тезисы, первоначально выдвинутые в «Is the Vice Presidency
Necessary?» Atlantic Monthly, May 1974 и в «On the Presidential
Succession», Political Science Quarterly, Fall 1974 (перепечатано как
приложение к изданию The Imperial Presidency).
1. John D.Feerick, From Failing Hands: The Story Of Presidential
Succession (New York, 1965), 66-67.
2. Finley Peter Dunne, The World of Mr. Dooley, ed. Louis Filler
(New York, 1962), 50-51.
3. C.C.Tansill, ed., Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the
Union of the American States (Washington, 1927), 479, 621, 680.
4. Ruth Silva, Presidential Succession (New York, 1968), 167-168
5. Tansill, ed., Documents, 682.
6. Ibid., 679, 454.
7. James Wilson, Works, ed. R.G.McCloskey (Cambridge, Mass.,
1957), I, 439.
8. Tansill, ed., Documents, 682.
9. Feerick, From Failing Hands, 52, 54.
10. Alexander Hamilton, Papers, ed. H.C.Syrett (New York, 1962),
V, 248.
11. Feerick, From Failing Hands, 66-67, 63.
12.    Lucius Wilmerdmg, Jr., The Electoral College (Beacon
paperback, 1964), 33-34.
13. Michael Harwood, In the Shadow of Presidents (Philadelphia,
1966), 27.
14. Feerick, From Failing Hands, 73.
15.   Henry Adams, History of the United States during the
Administration of Jefferson and Madison (New York, 1889), II,
16.  I.G.Wilhams, The Rise of the Vice Presidency (Washington,
1956). 81.
17. Текст закона 1792 г. можно найти в Edward Stanwood, A
History of the Presidency (Boston, 1901), 36-38.
18. E.S.Corwin, ed., The Constitution of the United States of America
Analysis and Interpretation (Washington, 1953), 387.
19. На это обращено внимание в двух глубоких работах по про-
блемам вице-президентства: Lucius Wilmerdmg, Jr., «The
Presidential Succession», Atlantic Monthly, May 1947 и «The
Vice Presidency», Political Science Quarterly, March 1953.
20. E.S.Corwin, The President: Office and Powers (New York, 1957),
21. Feerick, From Failing Hands, 74-75.
22. Ibid., 95, и S.W.Stathis, «John Tyler's Presidential Succession A
Reappraisal», Prologue, Winter 1976.
23. Feerick, From Failing Hands, 146.
24. Текст закона 1886 г. см. в Stanwood, History of the Presidency,
25. Tansill, ed., Documents, 682.
26. James G.Blame, Twenty Years of Congress (Norwich, Conn.,
1884-1886), II, 57.
27. Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 13 May 1797, Jefferson, Writing, ed.
Merrill D.Peterson (Library of America, 1984), 1042.
28. Michael Harwood, In the Shadow of Presidents (Philadelphia,
1966), 153.
29.   H.S.Truman, Year of Decisions (New York, 1955), 197;
D.D.Elsenhower, Waging Peace (New York, 1963), 6.
30. Blame, Twenty Years, II, 57.
31. T.R.Marshall, Recollections (Indianapolis, 1925), 368.
32. World of Mr. Dooley, 53.        u
33. Dons Kearns, Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream (New
York, 1979), 164.
34. Tansill, ed., Documents, 682.
35. Williams. Rise, 109-110.
36. Ibid.. 134, 138.
37.  Franklin D.Roosevelt, «Can the Vice President Be Useful?»
Saturday Evening Post, 16 October 1920.
38. W.O.Douglas, Go East, Young Man (New York, 1974), 310-311
39. Franklin D.Roosevelt, Public Papers. 1940 (New York, 1941),
40. New York Times, 25 August 1960.
41. Paul B.Fay, Jr., The Pleasure of His Company (New York,
1966), 4.
42. Washington Star-News, 16 May 1974.
43. J.S.Magruder, An American Life (New York, 1974), 128.
44. Marshall, Recollections, 230.
45. Глубокий анализ изменений института вице-президентства
можно найти в двух недавних работах: Joel K.Goldstem, The
Modern American Vice Presidency (Prmceton, 1982) и Paul
C.Light, Vice-Presidential Power (Baltimore, 1984). Цитата из
работы Лайта, с. 7 1 -72. Авторы обеих работ, однако, заблужда-
ются, рассматривая институционализацию вице-президентст-
ва как победу, исполненную глубокого смысла Более реали-
стично было бы считать ее сугубо рекламным достижением
46   H.S.Truman, Special Message to Congress on the Succession to
the Presidency, 19 June 1945, Public Papers 1945
(Washington, 1961), 129.
47   Ibid., 130.
48   Доклад перепечатан в Congressional Record, 26 June 1947,
7854-7855 (daily ed.)
49   D.M.DeWitt, Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson (New
York, 1903), 411.
50   Цитаты из Henry Gonzalez's statement in the Texas Observer,
May 1965 и из его замечаний в палате представителей 4 June,
1985, Congressional Record, H 3802 (daily ed ).
51   Ex Parte Milligan, 4 Wall 2, 125 (1866).
52   Senate Judiciary Committee, Selected Materials on the Twenty-
Fifth Amendment, 67-68
53   Congressional Record, 15 November 1973, S 20429 (daily ed ).
54.    Borch Bayh, вступительное слово в Subcommittee on
Constitutional Amendments, Senate Judiciary Committee,
Examination of the First Implementation of Section Two of the
Twenty-Fifth Amendment: Hearing, 94th Cong , IstSess (1975),
19; Bayh, «Statement... before the Senate Committee of Rules and
Administration Regarding the Nomination of the Hon. Gerald
Ford as Vice-President of the Llnited States» [November 1973].
55  Tansill, ed., Documents, 392.
56. Examination of the First Implementation of Section Two, 124.
57. Light, Vice-Presidential Power, 63.
58. Rockefeller to Richard M.Rosenbaum, 18 January 1979.
59. Gnffm B.Bell, with R.J.Ostrow, Taking Care of the Law (New
York, 1982), 23; см. также New York Times, 7 April 1982.
60. Rockefeller to Rosenbaum, 18 January 1979.
61. Interview m Newsweek, 28 July 1980.
62. Marshall, Recollections, 16.
63. J.E.Persico, The Imperial Rockefeller (New York, 1982), 262.
64.    Высказывание Уайта цит. по Wilmerdmg, «The Vice
Presidency», 17; A.J.Beveridge, «The Fifth Wheel in our
Government», Century, December 1909; высказывание Гарне-
pa цит. по James MacGregor Burns, «A New Look at the Vice
Presidency», New York Times Magazine, 9 October 1955.
65. Woodrow Wilson, Congressional Government (Boston, 1901),
66. Truman, Public Papers... 1945, 129.
67. Truman, Year of Decisions, 53.
68. In his testimony in 1964, before the Senate Judiciary Committee,
перепечатано в Senate Judiciary Committee, Selected Materials
on the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, Senate Document 93-42, 93rd
Cong., IstSess. (1973), 95.
69. James G.O'Hara, testimony before the Vice Presidential Selection
Commission of the Democratic National Committee, 7 November
1973 (рораторная копия), 10.
70.   Danny  M.Adkison,   «The  Electoral  Significance  of  the  Vice
Presidency», Presidential Studies Quarterly, Summer 1982, 330
336. Высказывание Никсона цит. на стр. 332.
71. Roosevelt, «The Three Vice-Presidential Candidates», 292.
72. В CBS News Spesial Report «On Choosing a Vice President»,
цит. no Goldstem, Modern American Vice Presidency, 66.
73 Truman, Year of Decisions, 54.
74   Wilhams, Rise, 110.
75. Theodore Roosevelt, Letters, ed. E.E.Morison (Cambridge, Mass ,
1951), III, 57.
76. Williams, Rise, 89.
77. Alben Barkley, That Reminds Me (New York, 1954), 221.
78.   Это рассказал в беседе со мной Ф Д Рузвельт, младший,
Arthur M.Schlesmger, Jr., AThousand Days (Boston, 1965), 704
79. Minneapolis Tribune, 2 June 1974
80. Time, 14 November 1969.
81. В разговоре с Бреслином; см.: Breshn, «Police Riot», New York
Magazine, 16 September 1968.
82. Danny M.Adkison, «The Vice Presidency as Apprenticeship»,
Presidential Studies Quarterly, Spring 1983, 212-218. Четыре
опроса общественного мнения, о которых идет речь, это
Schlesmger poll (1962), the Maranell-Dodder poll (1970), the
United States Historical Society poll (1977) и the Chicago
Tribune poll (1982).
83. Time, 14 November 1969.
84. Congressional Record, 21 December 1973, S 23756 (daily ed.).
85. Donald Graham, «The Vice Presidency: From Cigar Store Indian
to Crown Prince», Washington Monthly, April 1974.
86. Roosevelt, Letters, III, 60.
87. Senate Judiciary Committee, Selected Materials on the Twenty-
fifth Amendment, 124.
88. Walter Lippmann, «Wrong Answer, Right Question», New York
Herald Tribune, 12 November 1946.
89. «On the Threshold of the White House», Atlantic Monthly, July
90. Lippmann, «Wrong Answer, Right Question».

Глава   1 3. Президентская репутация
и превратности судьбы

В этой главе я использовал следующие работы: «Hoover Makes a
Comeback», New York Review of Books, 8 March 1979; «The Ike Age
Revisited», Reviews m American History, March 1983; и «What the
Thousand Days Wrought», New Repabhc, 21 November 1983.
1. Р.Эмерсон «Искусство» в Ральф Эмерсон «Эссе», М., Художе-
ственная литература, стр. 236-237.
2.   Pieter Geyl, Napoleon: For and Against (1949; Peregrine
paperback 1965), 15.
3. См. высокую оценку его деятельности в: Paul Johnson, Modem
Times (New York, 1983), 219-222; и книгу Thomas В.Silver,
Coolige and the Historians (Durham, N.C., 1983).
4. «The Critic as Artist», в: The Artist as Critical Writings of Oscar
Wilde, ed. Richard Ellman (New York, 1969), 359.
5. William Appleman Williams, America Confronts a Revolutionary
World: 1776 — 1976 (New York, 1976), 180; Joan Hoff-Wilson,
Herbert Hoover: Forgotten Progressive (Boston, 1975), 275.
6. Walter Lippmann, The New Imperative (New York, 1935), 12-13,
7. Carl Degler, «The Ordeal of Herbert Hoover», Vale Review,
Summer 1936.
8. Williams, America Confronts a Revolutionary World, 159.
9. Elhs W.Hawley, «Herbert Hoover and Modern American History
Fifty Years After», Congressional Record (daily ed ), 27 February
1980, S 1931. Это один из многочисленных документов, опуб-
ликованных по настоянию сенатора Марка Хэтфилда от штата
Орегон в бюллетене «Рекорд» в честь 50-летия со дня вступ-
ления Гувера на пост президента.
10. Albert U.Romasco, «Herbert Hoover's Policies for Dealing with
the Great Depression: The End of the Old Orber or the Beginning
of the New?» в: The Hoover Presidency, ed. Martin L.Fausold and
George T.Mazuzan (Albany, 1974), 69-86.
1 1 Arthyr M.Schlesmger, Jr., The Crisis of the Old Order (Boston,
1957), 232.
12. David Burner, Herbert Hoover: A Public Life (New Yoirk, 1978),
13. Herbert Hoover, Memoirs, III: The Great Depression (New York,
1952), 195.
14. Herbert Hoover, State Papers (New York, 1934), II, 228ff.
15.    J.S.Olson, Herbert Hoover and Reconstruction Finance
Corporation, 1931 — 1933 (Ames, Iowa, 1955), 77-88.
16. Arthur M.Schlesmger, Jr., The Coming of the New Deal (Boston,
1958), 431.
17. Hoover to Simeon D.Fess, 27 December 1933, в: Rochard Norton
Smith, An Uncommon: The Triumph of Herbert Hoover (New
York, 1984). 192-193.
18.   Williams, America Confronts a Revolutionary World, 159;
Williams Some Presidents from Wilson to Nixon (New York,
1972), 39.
19. Joan Hoff-Wilson, «Herbert Hoover Reassessed», Congressional
Record (daily ed.), 25 June 1979, S 8464.
20. Elhs W.Hawley, «Herbert Hoover and American Corporatism,
1929 — 1933", в: The Hoover Presidency, ed. Fausold and
Mazuzan, 104; Hawley, «Hoover and Modern American History",
S 1931.
21. Hawley, «Hoover and American Corporatism», 104.
22. Williams, Some Presidents, 39.
23  Burner, Hoover, 141.
24   Ibid., 59, 249. Джоун Хофф-Уилсон дважды использовала эго
высказывание в Herbert Hoover Forgotten Progressive (Boston,
1975), 15, 166.
25. Burner, Hoover, 79, 110-11, 151.
26. Ibid., 63.
27. In his review of Burner, New Republic, 10 March 1979.
28     Martin L.Faudold, The Presidency of Herbert C.Hoover
(Lawrence, Kans., 1985), 7.
29. Burner, Hoover, 141.
30. Hoover, Memoirs, III, 234.
31. Fausold, Hoover, 123.
32. George W.Norris, Fighting Liberal: The Autobiography of George
W.Norns (New York, 1945), 314-315.
33. Burner, Hoover, 215.
34   I.H.Hoover, Forty-Two Years in the White House (Boston, 1934),
301-303. Свидетельство Айка Гувера не приводится и в инте-
ресной работе Donald J.Lisio, Hoover, Blacks, and Lily-Whites
(Chapel Hill, 1985).
35  Burner, Hoover, 70.
36. Norns, Fighting Liberal, 287.
37. Hoover, Memoirs, II: The Cabinet and the Presidency, 1920 —
1933 (New York, 1952), 197-198; Memoirs, HI, 234, 329.
38. Burber, Hoover, 58.
39. Hoover, State Papers, I, 527.
40. Burner, Hoover, 264.
41.  Patrick J.Maney,  «Young Bob»  La    Follette: A Biography of
Robert M.La Follette, Jr., 1895 — 1953 (Columbia, Mo., 1978),
110, 87-88.
42.  W.A.White to David Hmshaw, 13 February 1931, Fausold,
Hoover, 131.
43.    Richard W.Lowitt, George W.Norns: The Triumph of a
Progressive, 1933 — 1944 (Urbana, 111., 1978), x; Maney, La
Follette. 110.
44. Wilson, Hoover, 274.
45. Olson, Hoover and the RFC, 23.
46. Williams, Some Presidents, 39.
47. Burner, hoover, 260.
48. Hawley, «Hoover and Modern American History», S 1931.
49. Wilson, Hoover, 229-230.
50. In his letter to William E.Borah, 28 February 1928.
51. Robert H.Ferrell, ed., The Elsenhower Diaries (New York, 1981).
В этот том, снабженный интересным предисловием профессо-
ра Феррелла, вошли (по-видимому) полные тексты дневнико-
вых записей Эйзенхауэра, которые он нерегулярно вел с 1939
г., когда начал службу под командованием генерала Дугласа
Макартура на Филиппинах, и вплоть до последних дней своей
жизни. «По-видимому» означает, что составитель сборника не
имеет ясного представления о возможных пропусках и сокра-
щениях, отмечая только, что некоторые записи не вошли в этот
том из соображений национальной безопасности или потому,
что их опубликование явилось бы нарушением условий дого-
вора с лицом, предоставившим эти материалы. William
B.Ewald в своей работе Elsenhower the President: Crucial Days'
1951 — 1960 (Englewood Cliffs, N.J , 1981) приводит дневни-
ковые записи за 8 октября 1953 г. (81) и 6 ноября 1 957 г (28),
не вошедшие в издание Феррелла. Stephen E.Ambrose в своей
работе Ike's Spiels: Elsenhower and the Espionage Establishment
в соавторстве с Richard H.Immerman (New York, 1981), приво-
дит запись из дневника Эйзенхауэра за 1 апреля 1968 г. В
издании Феррелла последняя запись относится к 14 марта
1976 г. Fred Greenstem в: The Hidden-Hand Presidency
Elsenhower as Leader (New York, 1982) также приводит днев-
никовые записи, не вошедшие в книгу Феррелла.
52   Ferrell, ed., Diaries, 50.
53   Dwight D.Elsenhower, Mandate for Change (New York, 1963),
54. Richard Nixon, Six Crises (1962; Warner paperback, 1979), 189.
55. W.C.Bruce, John Randolph of Roanoke (New York, 1922), II,
56. Greenstein, Hidden-Hand Presidency, 57-58.
57. Ibid., 101.
58. Anne O'Hare McCormick, «Roosevelt's View of the Bid Job»,
New York Times Magazine, 11 September 1932.
59. Arthur Larson, Elsenhower: The President Nobody Knew (1968;
Popular Library paperback, без даты), 123.
60. Stephen E.Ambrose, «The Ike Age», New Republic, 9 May 1981.
61. Этот список он отправил Джеймсу Хагерти 18 октября
1966 г., а последний любезно предоставил его в мое распоря-
62. Stephen E.Ambrose, Elsenhower the President (New York, 1984),
63. Larson, Elsenhower, 122.
64. Ibid., 10.
65.  Robert A.Divme, Elsenhower and the Cold War (New York,
1981), vn-viii.
66. Ferrell, ed., Diaries, 155-156. 160, 212.
67. Ewald, Elsenhower, 33, 242.
68.   N.S.Khrushchev, Khrushcev Remembers, ed. Strobe Talbott
(Boston, 1970), 397, 458; Khrushchev Remembers: The Last
Testament (Boston, 1974), 487, 491.
69. Anthony Glees, «Churchill's Last Gambit», Encounter, April
1985, 30.
70. John Colville, The Fringes of Power (New York, 1985), 654, 672
71. Ibid., 683.
72. Ibid., 673.
73. Divine, Elsenhower and the Cold War, 155.
74. Ibid., IX.
75. Kermit Roosevelt, Countercoup: The Struggle for the Control of
Iran (New York, 1979), 107.
76. Anthony Eden, Full Circle (Boston, 1960), 235.
77. Ambrose, Elsenhower the President, 621.
78. Ibid., 197.
79. ibid., 286.
80. cm. Brian Urquhart, Hammarskjold (New York, 1972), 121 и
W.R.Corson, The Armies of Ignorance (New York, 1977), 365-
81. Источники: February 1957 report of the President's Board of
Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities; Arthur
M.Schlesinger, Jr., Robert Kennedy and His Times (Boston,
1978), 456. Цифра за 1952 г. приводится в J.L.Gaddis,
Strategies of Containment (New York, 1982), 157. См. также
Ambrose, Elsenhower the President, 395
82  William Manchester, Portrait of a President (Boston, 1962), 35
83. David Bruce and Robert Lovett, «Covert Operations», report to
President's Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence
Activities [1956], Rpbert F.Kennedy Papers; отрывки см. в.
Schlesmger, Robert Kennedy, 455-456.
84. Report to the Special Assistant for National Security, 12 February
1957 в Schlesmger, Robert Kennedy, 456.
85.   White House meeting of the Board with Elsenhower, 16
December 1958 в Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 457.
86. Ambrose, Elsenhower the President, 506-507.
87. Report to Elsenhower, 5 January 1961 в Schlesmger, Robert
kennedy. 457-458.
88. Hearings of Cuba Study Group, 11 May 1961 в Schlesmger,
Robert Kennedy, 458.
89. Ambrose, Elsenhower the President, 135.
90. Clark Clifford, «Memorandum on Conference between President
Elsenhower and President-elect Kennedy and their Chief
Advisers on January 19, 1961", в Schlesmger, Robert Kennedy,
91. Gregg Herken, The Winning Weapon (New York, 1980), 345.
92. Henry A.Wallace, The Price of Vision: The Diary... 1942-1946,
ed. John Morton Blum (Boston, 1973), 474, 530.
93. Herken, Winning Weapon, 373.
94. David Lihenthal, Journals... The Atomic Energy Years 1945-50
(New York, 1964), 391.
95. Herken, Winning Weapon, 332-333.
96. Так Трумэн прореагировал на утверждение генерала Марка
Кларка, что атомные бомбардировки могли бы обеспечить по-
беду в войне в Корее. См.: From the Danube to the Yalu
Truman, Off the Record: The Private Papers of Harry S Truman,
ed. R.H.Ferrell (New York, 1980), 304
97. Ambrose, Elsenhower the President, 658.
98. McGeorge Bundy, «Atomic Diplomacy Reconsidered», Bulletin
of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, October 1984,
99.   National Security Council meetings, 13 May, 20 May, 3
December, 1953, JCS-State Memorandum, 7 January 1954, New
York Times, 8 June 1984.
100. Divine, Elsenhower and the Cold War, 49.

101. Ambrose, Elsenhower the President, 180.
102.  Murray Marder, «When Ike Was Asked to Nuke Vietnam»,
Washington Post, 22 August 1982.
103. Divine, Elsenhower and the Cold War, 62.
104. Gaddis, Strategies of Containment, 170.
105. R.H.Immerman, «Diplomatic Dialings- The John Foster Dulles
Telephone Transcripts», Society for Historians of American
Foreign Relations Newsletter, March 1983.
106. Divine, Elsenhower and the Cold War, 65-66
107. National Security Council meeting, 31 March 1953, Foreign
Relations of the United States 1952-1954, XV, Korea
(Washington, 1984), 827. Странным образом эти предложения
опущены (с указанием на это) в отчете о совещании, опубли-
кованном в FRUS 1952-1954, И, National Security Affairs, 276
108. Colville, Fringes of Power, 685; Colville, Wmston Churchill and
His Inner Circle (London, 1981), 139.
109. Ferrell, ed., Diaries, 202, 222.
110.   Eden, Full Circle, 117; G.C.Herring and R.H.Immerman,
«Elsenhower, Dulles, and Dienbienphu: »The Day We Didn't Go
to War Revisited", Journal of American History, September 1984, 360.
111. Ambrose, Elsenhower the President, 225.
112. London Times, 3 January 1985.
113. Bundy, «Atomic Diplomacy Reconsidered», 52.
114. Ambrose, Elsenhower the President, 229.
115.   Elsenhower to R.L.Simon, 28 March 1956, David Broder,
«Elsenhower on the folly of nuclear war», Boston Globe, 7
September 1983.
116. Sherman Adams, Firsthand Report (New York, 1961), 87.
117. Gaddis, Strategies of Containment, 173.
118. Ambrose, Elsenhower the President, 493-494.
119.    George B.Kistiakowsky, A Scientist at the White House
(Cambridge, Mass., 1976), 293.
120. Ambrose, Elsenhower the President, 590.
121. Walter Pincus, «40 Years of the Bomb», Washington Post Weekly,
5 August 1985.
122. Ambrose, Elsenhower the President, 590.
123   Michael Howard, «Keeping the Team Together», Times Literary
Supplement, 8 February, 1985.
124. Schlesmger, Robert Kennedy, 702.
125. Ambrose, Elsenhower the President, 660-665, H.W Brands, Jr ,
«Johnson and Elsenhower: The President, the Former President,
and the War in Vietnam», Presidential Studies Quarterly,
Summer 1985.
126. John Colville, Footprints in Time (London, 1976), 192.
127.   Ronald Steel, Walter Lippmann and the American Century
(Boston, 1980), 502.
128. Arthur M.Schlesmger, Jr , Journal, 12 February 1981.
129. Eric Hobsbawm, «Why America Lost the Vietnam War», Listener,
18 May 1927.
130. Richard M.Nixon, «Cuba, Castro, and John F.Kennedy», Reader's
Digest, November 1964.
131.  Ehe Abel, The Missile Crisis (New York, Bantam Paperback,
1966), 162.
132. Charles Dickens, American Notes, ch.XVIII.
133. Arthur M.Schlesmger, Jr., A Thousand Days: Kennedy in the
White House (Boston, 1965), 635.
134. Ibid., 1012.
135. Ibid., 941.
136. Ibid., 971.
137. John F.Kennedy. Public Papers... 1963 (Washington, 1964), 469.
138. Schlesmger, Robert Kennedy, 358; Martin Luther King, Jr., Why
We Can't Wait (New York, Signet Paperback, 1964), 147.
139. Look, 17 November 1964.
140. Jack Anderson, «Conversation with an Author: Jack Anderson»,
Book Digest, May 1979.
141. Schlesmger, Robert Kennedy, 605.
142. Speech at University of Washington, 16 November 1962, John
F.Kennedy, Public Papers... 1961 (Washington, 1962), 726.
143. Schlesmger, Robert Kennedy, 713.
144. Ibid., 712.
145. Kenneth O'Donnell and David Powers, «Johnny, We Hardly
Knew Ye» (Boston, 1972), 16; Schlesmger, Robert Kennedy,
ch.31; Jack Anderson, «The Roots of Our Vietnam Involement»,
Washington Post, 4 May 1975.
146. Schlesmger, A Thousand Days, 331.
147. Address to Latin American diplomatic cops, 13 March 1962, John
F.Kennedy, Public Papers... 1962 (Washington, 1963), 224.
148. Кастро говорил это в беседах с Дж.Даниэлем и Франком Ман-
кевицем; см.: Jean Daniel, «Unofficial Envoy», New Republic,
14 December 1963, Frank Mankiewicz and Kirby Jones, With
Fidel (Chicago, 1975, 200-202. Эту же мысль он повторил, бе-
седуя со мной в мае и октябре 1985 г.
149. Speeches at University of California, 23 March 1962, Kennedy
Public Papers... 1962, 265 and American University, 10 June
1963, Public Papers... 1963, 462.
150. Speech at United Nations, 25 September 1961, Public Papers
1961, 618, 620.
151. Schlesmger, A Thousand Days, 831
152. Press conference, 21 March 1963, Public Papers     1963, 280
153. Schlesmger, A Thousand Days, 904
154. Norman Cousins, The Improbable Triumvirate (New York, 1972],
155.    Khrushchev,    Khrushchev    Remembers,    500,    Khrushchev
Remembers. The Last Testament, 513-514
156  Schlesmger, A Thousand Days, 110
157. Herbert L.Mathews, Fidel Castro (New York, 1969), 225.
158.  Robert F.Kennedy,   Foreword  to John  F Kennedy,   Profiles  in
Courage (Memorial ed , New York, 1964), IX
159   Arthur M.Schlesmger, Jr., The Crisis of the Old Order (Boston,

1957), IX.

Глава 14. Демократия и лидерство
В эту главу вошли в переработанном виде отрывки из следую-
щих работ: «On Leadership», The introduction to the Chelsea House
series World Leaders: Past and Present (New York, 1985); «Politics and
the American Language», Blashfield Address at the American
Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, перепечатано в The
American Scholar, Autumn 1974; «The Decline of Greatness»,
Saturday Evening Post, 1 November 1958, «On Heroic Leadership»,
Encounter, December 1960; «Creativity in Statecraft» (Occasional
Papers of the Council of Scholars, No.I, Library of Congress, 1983).
1. Толстой Л.Н. «Война и мир», т.Ш, часть первая; Л.Толстой,
Собрание сочинений в 14-ти томах, М., Художественная ли-
тература, 1951.
2. William James, «The Dilemma of Determinism», The Will to
Believe and Other Essays m Popular Philosophy (New York,
1897), 150.
3. Isaiah Berlin, Four Essays of Liberty (Oxford, 1969), 113, 72.
4. James, «Great Men and Their Environment», Will to Believe, 235.
5. Engels to Starkenberg, цит. по: Sidney Hook, The Hero m History
(1943; Beacon paperback, 155), 79.
6. Arthur M.Schlesmger, Jr., The Crisis of the Old Order (Boston,
1957), 466.
7.  William James, «The Social Value of the College-Bred», в
Memories and Studies (New York, 1911), 318.
8. James, Will to Believe, 227, 230.
9. Willam Wordsworth, «Preface to Poems» и «Essay Supplementary
to Preface», в Wordsworth's Literary Criticism, ed. N.C Smith
(London, 1905), 150-151, 195, 198.
10. Henry Kissinger, «Domestic Structure and Foreign Policy», в
American Defense Policy, ed. R.G.Head and E.J.Rokke
(Baltimore, 1973), 20.
11. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy m America, I, ch.XIII.
12   Freud, в «Analysis Terminable and Interminable» (1937), цит.
no: Janet Malcolm, «The Impossible Profession», New Yorker, 24
November 1980.
13. Emerson, «Power», в The Conduct of Life.
14. Machiavelh, The Prince, ch.VI.
15. Joseph A.Schumpeter, The Theory of Economic Development
(Cambridge, Mass., 1934), 85
16   Ibid., 87
17   J.M.Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and
Money (New York, 1936), 32 Ему следовало бы упомянуть так-
же и американцев Уильяма Трафэна Фостера и Уодилла Кэт-
18. Ibid., 33.
19   J.K.Galbraith, «Economics as a System of Belief», Economics,
Peace and Laughter (Boston, 1971), 63, 65.
20. Tocqueville, Democracy in Americf, II, Third Book, ch.XXI.
21. James Bryce, The American Commonwealth (New York, 1888),
II, 322-323.
22. Herbert Croly, The Promise of American Life (New York, 1909),
23.  Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies (Pnnceton,
1950), 154-155.
24. Alexis de Tocqueville, Recollections, ed J.P.Mayer (New York,
1959), Part I, ch.V.
25. Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (Boston, 1918),
26. Karl Popper, The Poverty of Historicism (Boston, 1957), 67.
27. Wmston Churchill to Bourke Cockran, 12 April [1896], в
Randolph Churchill, Wmston S.Churchill, Companion Volume I,
Parti (Boston, 1967), 668.
28. Locke, Second Treatise on Civil Government, 224.
29. Jefferson to Adams, 28 October 1813, в Jefferson, Writings, ed
Merrill LPeterson (Library of America, 1984), 1305-13067
30. Tocqueville to Mill, 5 December 1835 в J.P.Mayer, Alexis de
Tocqueville (New York, 1960). 115.
31. Bryce, American Commonwealth, II, 460.
32. Emerson, «Napoleon; or, the Man of the World», в Representative
33.   Woodrow Wilson, Leaders of Men, ed. T.H.Vail Motter
(Prmceton, 1952), 53-54.
34. Jefferson, «Notes on the State of Virginia», в Writings, 290
35. Emerson, «Language», Nature, ch IV
36  Tocqueville, Democracy in America, II, First Book, ch.XVI.
37   Joel Porte, rd., Emerson in His Journals (Cambridge, Mass ,
1982), 421.
38  Emerson, «Napoleon»
39  «Language».
40   Remhold Niebuhr, The Children of Light and the Children of
Darkness (1944, Scribner Paperback, без даты), XIII
41   James, «The Importance of Individuals», Will to Believe, 261
42   Emerson, «Uses of Great Men», в Representative Men.

43   Irving Babbit, Democracy and Leadership (Boston, 1924), 167


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